pre-emptive sigh

Election 2020 starts on Nov 9th.

Rodger Goodell should take away another draft pick from the Patriots for this.

You assume they trained him in the first place?

Very stubby wings means not much lift and a very high stall speed. Need a really long runway to land em.

The US air force still has over 90 B-52s in active service. The last B-52 came off the production line in 1962 and they’re expected to stay in service at least another 20 years.

It’s worth noting that the Chinese were still producing a Mig-21 variant (Chengdu J-7) up until 2013. And that the last B-52 off the production line was built in 1962 and they’re expected to fly until at least 2040.

How many of these QBs seen as busts are bad because of bad coaching? It’s not a Tebow situation where he physically can’t throw a football.

That doesn’t explain why Bush would for Hillary, unless you believe she’s controlled by republicans.

Apparently elder Bush throws his shoe at the TV when Trump’s on.

First of all, I didn’t say it proved anything, so please don’t try to put words in my mouth. Secondly, there is a difference between things that are potentially ‘habit forming’ and things that are ‘addictive.’


In Bennett’s case, Berkeley found that Wentworth “exhibited poor personal boundaries,” but did not violate university policy.

I only listed those directly related and having the same name, but they’re actually a lot more interconnected. 

Everything is habit forming if you make it a habit. You can accuse running of being habit forming because some people do it every day.

Do the Browns pick fuckups, or do the people the Browns pick become fuckups because of the Browns?

Wow, people really think Hillary got where she is independently? lol, that’s insanity.

I think the whole point was that they AREN’T randomly selected. Who you know/marry/are born to, has far more of an effect than anything you do or random chance.

Presidential selection is incredibly biased by who you’re related to. That’s why we’ve had , 2 Adams, 2 Harrisons, 2 Roosevelts, 2 Bushes, and now 2 Clintons.

If you’re looking at it objectively, the Clinton family’s policies (laws Bill signed while Hillary stumped for them) have cause far more harm to black people than anything Trump has done.