pre-emptive sigh

You’re missing a key point. If Sasha Grey’s attorneys had claimed Sasha Grey would never have consented to sex because she’s ‘not that type of girl,’ or she’s a virgin, or whatever, then the defense absolutely has the right to go after her claim. 

Civil Cases. In a civil case, the court may admit evidence offered to prove a victim’s sexual behavior or sexual predisposition if its probative value substantially outweighs the danger of harm to any victim and of unfair prejudice to any party. The court may admit evidence of a victim’s reputation only if the

If the defense is trying to paint her as a conservative spinster, then the defense absolutely has the right to parade out the other people she’s slept with to refute the defense’s claim and show she’s not what she claims. It’s her lawyer’s fault for using a stupid strategy.

“This is a game of skill and definitely not gambling”

Can you name me one player on the Spurs that could get Pop fired?

Oh, no. You drank the koolaid of Real Sports. I used to watch until they tried to convince me the IOC and FIFA were corrupt. That’s when I realized they’re just a bunch of tabloid writers pretending to be real reporters.

“I’m 100 percent behind supporting their critical thinking and taking a stand, and I would encourage them to put their money where it is now and be engaged — but not by taking a knee.”

Pretty sure it doesn’t matter who’s playing QB, the Bills won’t be prepared for them. Maybe Belichick will hire Rex as his designated media clown after he gets fired.

If Exxon is taking someone to court for destroying Exxon property, you don’t think the defendant’s history of environmental activism will be brought up by plaintiff? Or Exxon’s history of environmental negligence be brought up by the defense?

Probably gonna be an unpopular opinion, but if the plaintiffs are using Doe’s past as a defense, then it should also be fair game to the defendants.

What kind of idiot using a single type of coin? You put in quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies.

Counterpoint: Tim Tebow won an NFL playoff game while playing quarterback.

The debt was owed on work already done. The work could not be undone so it was either pay it off or they keep your car. That makes them a creditor using your car as collateral. In that case, they cannot deny your payment in any form of legal tender.

In the US? Can you link me to an example? And I’m talking about debt, not payment. It’s legal to refuse a service if someone is paying in coins or $100 bills, but I don’t think it’s legal to refuse payment on a debt that’s owed.

That’s ok, at least their offense is one of the most potent in the game...

Umm hello? He won Ben Stein’s money.

Title 31 (Money and Finance), Subtitle IV (Money), Chapter 51 (Coins and Currency), Subchapter I (Monetary System), Section 5103 (Legal Tender) of the United States Code states:

You have the receipt from the bank where you got the coins. Unless you have a contract otherwise stipulating the form of payment, all coins are legal tender in all transactions in the US.  

The police are already involved, I figure if it takes more than 2 days to get a call, you let the police know someone stole your car. It’s clearly not his primary transport and he’s doing it just to be annoying, so be as annoying as possible.

You’ve already waited 2 and a half months. You drop off the coins and tell them to call you when they finish counting.