pre-emptive sigh

Why not? It’s legal tender and any intentional damage caused to your car by the shop in retaliation is a crime.

Are we talking quarters or are we talking pennies? And if you’re trying to be a dick about it, you take that shit out of the wrappers.

Yup, I just moved here, got the postcard and was like wtf is this? Wondered if I had to fill it out and mail it in to get my real registration...nope turns out that’s it. Up to me to find out where and when I can actually vote.

It was in the late 00s...people did a lot of crazy things back then.

I agree. I’m glad he said it and I’m certainly not saying that white coaches/players should shut up about it. Quite the opposite, I think people like Pop have so much respect in the old-white people world that their voices really can make a difference.

The CIA is for tourists. The real spy works gets done by

As long as Belichick is SecDef.

They are older white men, who aren’t themselves victims of the social imbalances that these protests are seeking to confront.

I’ve taken adderall for 15 years, 500mg would put me in the hospital. 60mg and I feel like my hearts trying to jump out of my chest.

Kinda of amazing that pro athletes have regular drug tests, but presidents? Nah.

That’s clearly a PCP/meth rage vent. Learn2drugs

“Oh yeah? You a doctor now?”
“As a matter of fact, I am.”

LOL, you people are so delusional. It’s not a one off, it’s a pattern. When she campaigns, people like her less. The same thing happened in 2008. She’s is a really terrible campaigner.  If democrats lose the election, they’ll have no one to blame but themselves for selecting this shitty candidate.

Silver lining, FIFA fixed racism in soccer, so all these illegal transactions won’t be tainted with hate.

If six is huge what is the 19.6 points Hillary started with?

No, like I said, the race in 2012 started as a dead heat. The farthest apart it ever got was 6 points.


Yeah but what does Kevin Love have to say about it?

All that does is illustrate the divide in the country. It is undeniable fact that these are the 2 most disliked candidates (#1 and #2) since they’ve started keeping track of how much people like/dislike candidates.

I sure would feel a whole lot better about it. That and the never meeting a war she didn’t like...