pre-emptive sigh

Here’s the polling from the full year prior to the 2012 election.

Look, y’all may be part of the ‘new media’ where it only takes a few clicks for a story to be updated or removed, but Yahoo works on older technology. There’s a process. Punchcards have to punched, go-to loops have to ungoneto, etc.

You’re welcome. Sometimes people over-exaggerate. As long as you’re aware racism still exists. Just not in soccer.

They didn’t end racism. They just completely eliminated it from all of soccer.

FIFA is so slow. The GOP got rid of racism decades ago. Unfortunately, Obama brought it back.

Dantonio is Batman...

All the Abrahamic religions are all remarkably similar. They like to pretend they’re not, but whenever the religion is allowed free reign, the same groups of people get subjugated or killed.

That is a blatantly calumniuous cromulent comment.

Obviously the correct response is to cut professor salaries. It’s unfair to force university sports programs to carry the dead weight of the academic programs.

Guys, please stop spreading rumors about this thing you had no idea about.

The gif actually makes it look like he’s putting in real effort. The video...not so much

Intelligence has not been proven to be an advantageous trait. Humans have only been around for 100,000 years compared to insects with minimal intelligence that have been here for hundreds of millions.