pre-emptive sigh

Unenforceable rules, aren’t really rules. They just exist to make people feel better. Who’s going to complain? The interns who agreed to work for free in the first place? The companies who get free labor? The other employees who don’t have to make copies or get coffee?

Pawning a computer monitor or color copier can probably keep you fed for a week if you ration.

It’s very easy to claim all those things. The intern gets to watch people in a work environment, learns how to make a bajillion copies, no one gets fired because they’ve always had interns to do the shity work real employees don’t want, the intern occassionally gets a starbucks order wrong ruining someone’s day, the

setting a budget for how to spend your lack of income

Hey, 50% of republican women think sexism is done too. And among left leaning men/women, the numbers are about same ~25%

Sexism and racism were things that we conquered years ago before Obama and Hillary made them real again by getting all uppity and not knowing their places.

Only the ones Gawker thinks should be allowed to be post. What the criteria for allowing or not allowing posts is up to them because it’s their site. You can create your own website and not allow gawker to post on it and you’d also be within your rights.

Actually it’s not complicated at all.

All tweeters should have to pass a rigorous ideological test!

It’s not a foundation of property crime. It’s a foundation of all crime. Murder, rape, and assault included.

The burden of proof is put upon the victim and there’s often a bias toward innocence, which can make the entire process feel futile and even cruel.

Did anyone check Edward John Smith for ISIS affiliations? What if the Titanic was an act of terrorism?

Wrong, I was in hell while watching the movie. She was just acting in it.

From obscure sleazeball to sleazeball on tv?

That’s her birth date, the year she was arrested is up at the top, 1997.

Fun fact, she was arrested for shoplifting and was collecting unemployment benefits while working for the Ted Cruz senate campaign. Trump is only going to hire best people!

This is, after all, the oldest continuous operating civil rights organization

I’ve pretty much decided that a world without internet isn’t really worth living in, so if someone wants my bunker spot they can have it. I want a front row seat to the fireballs.

So they are perfectly shaped hickeys after all?