pre-emptive sigh

LOL. You must live on a different planet than the rest of us.

Assange has a television show on’s not a crazy conspiracy theory

Assange had the info for months. He held onto it to release before the DNC to cause harm. Had he released it during the primaries it could’ve done good.

I hope so...There’s only been one president Clinton. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves shall we?

Notorious HRC, Ronald Rump, and Darth Chaney:

You must not have any credit cards or loans. Putting someone’s SS online is not cool under any circumstances. period. full stop.

I’ve also voted for pro-choice, pro-lgbt, pro-equality candidates despite those candidates not having any direct appeal to my own interests. But for all we care to rally on about how terrific and enlightened we are, we’re the exception.

This vacation sounds about as much fun as a root canal.

Right, the DOJ just stumbled onto this facebook didn’t take months long investigations, warrant requests, inter agency cooperation, or anything like just happened. I guarantee you they spent thousands of hours and hundreds of thousands if not millions of tax payer dollars getting this arrest.


All the worst people suffering from so much butthurt.

So what you’re saying is that because Trump is good at motivating people to vote for him and Hillary isn’t, it’s someone else’s fault that Hillary could lose despite spending 4 times as much as Trump?

So after what he said in 2012 Republicans just figured he’d changed his mind on everything or what?

cargo shorts are late 30s to middle-aged middle class white republican go to outfit staples!

What about cargo pants? Is it the shorts that are banned, the cargo pockets, or only the combination?

Aren’t you forgetting Fred Trump? I’m pretty sure he’s the man most directly responsible for Donald Trump.


Pokestops sounds like something a couple does on a long distance road trip

They were planning to blow him up anyway. So who cares if he sets off his bombs after he’s tranqed?