pre-emptive sigh

And who were they protecting when they shot Philando Castille the day before?

A remote control killing machine is what I’m trying evoke. That applies to predator drones and suicide bomber robots.

use ANY means necessary

Right, because it’s totally reasonable to give police more killing weapons when they clearly can’t use their existing killing weapons responsibly.

Fantastic. Living in a war zone has always been a life long dream. Thanks America for bringing Iraq and Afghanistan to the comfort of my own home.

In a situation where deadly force is necessary to neutralize a clear and imminent threat to the lives of officers and civilians?

You honestly have no problem with remote controlled death bots being used as law enforcement tools? This is the first time in US history it’s happened. We’re just going to accept it because it was expedient?

So this parking lot is in the middle of an open field? That’s bizarre.

Hmm, so it’s an elevated parking garage with clear lines of sight but police couldn’t shoot him? They had to use a remote control bomb?

I didn’t realize guns could should through concrete now or that they had infinite range. I guess asking people to avoid using the parking lot would be too much of an inconvenience....

It’s not a slippery slope, we’re already down the slope. This is a tactic of war used in Iraq by US soldiers. It is now being used domestically by law enforcement.

An armed man was holed up in a location where he was making threats but unable to harm anyone. Sound familiar? Sounds a lot like the Bundys Oregon stand-off to me.

Because it represents a significant step in the militarization of civilian law enforcement. They’re no longer there to protect and serve, they’re there to protect themselves and take people out.

It’s the first use a lethal drone on US soil and everyone’s just like ‘not a big deal. he deserved it.’

Well since they won’t do anything about guns, I wonder if they’ll do something about bomb drones being used by civilian law enforcement against civilians on US soil?

I think you completely misread my point.

I don’t disagree with what you’ve written, but it does neglect one major aspect of the criminal justice system. Namely, that people are presumed innocent until proven guilty.

I had just turned 5, I don’t remember watching it on the news, but I remember there was a special episode of Punky Brewster about it.

I remember Challenger, but not from the news, from a Punky Brewster special episode about it.

Well you need extendable solar panels for power, and the cylindrical shape is so you can pack the most volume into a rocket that needs to be aerodynamic. These things aren’t designed by artists or designers, they’re made by engineers to fulfill a specific role in the most efficient way possible.