pre-emptive sigh

You’re dead wrong. My parents have been trying to sell their home in South Texas for over a year. They’ve already dropped the asking price nearly $100k and there still aren’t takers. They put nearly $80k in renovations into the place and they probably won’t even make back what they bought it for.

I’m sure downgrading wouldn’t happen until late high school. You want your kid to get the best foundation possible so they’re way ahead when they transfer somewhere else.

Yeah, I work at UHCL, we’ve got nearly 2000 international students so I’m sure that’s a big reason why I see so much diversity on a daily basis. But what was kind of surprising was the amount of restaurants that cater to those groups. There’s a strip mall close to campus that has Vietnamese, Indian, Greek, and Irish

It’s never a good idea to treat your primary residence as an investment. It’s utilitarian. Live in the cheapest place you can be comfortable and invest the savings. The money will grow much faster outside of your mortgage and you won’t be at risk of losing everything if another housing bubble bursts.

But if you’re doing it for that reason, you have no incentive to make the school better. In fact, you want the school to stay as bad as possible, at least until your kids graduate.

I live on the other side of NASA. Clear Creek would be my high school instead of Clear Lake which is supposed to be the good one.

That doesn’t make sense. Why would property values for an already prized school district rise faster than property values elsewhere?

Huh? School districts are funded by property taxes. The higher the value the of the property, the more money the schools get. Of course schools in rich neighborhoods will be better.

I’m in the Clear Lake area, it’s not super rich, but it’s nice and the schools apparently very good. It’s also got a very diverse population. I came from the Northeast, and I was really surprised to see how many Muslims, Indians, and Chinese were here.

I just moved to Houston for a job. I live in an area of Houston that apparently has a very good high school and my real estate agent was telling me all about how many people were trying to move so their kids could go. Since I have no kids, I moved a mile down the road, and I pay $200 less a month.Works for me.

I took ancient Greek in high school and I remember translating the Odyssey and getting to a part in the banquet hall that had young boys going under the tables. I thought I had translated it wrong, but the teacher told us ‘nope, that’s exactly what it means and it’s exactly what you think, the ancient Greeks didn’t

Except it doesn’t. My congressional district doesn’t even have a democrat on the ticket.

And? Both Bush Jr. and Sr., Dick Cheney, and Hillary Clinton went to Yale. Doesn’t that make Yale the far bigger republican finishing school?

Republican finishing school Southern Methodist University

What are you some kind of government lackey?

Sometimes you just root for everyone to lose.

This precisely. I’m not against equal pay, and I’m pro-choice, but I certainly feel ignored by the Hillary. I recently had to move 2000 miles across the country to get a full time job with benefits. But I still get called ‘privileged’ because I happen to be born with a ‘Y’ chromosome.

I forgot that Gizmodo broke the facebook trending story...of course they’re going to back Theil, hell they might even start using company funds.

No one sane is assuming that a gun ban will magically make guns disappear, but what will happen instantly is the price of guns will go up significantly. As more and more guns wear out, get confiscated, lost, etc, the price will only continue to rise.

Those persons with guns in the home were at greater risk than those without guns in the home of dying from a homicide in the home (adjusted odds ratio = 1.9, 95% confidence interval: 1.1, 3.4). They were also at greater risk of dying from a firearm homicide, but risk varied by age and whether the person was living