pre-emptive sigh

Not sure how you read that as a reference to the 60s coup when Obama was explicitly mentioned.

US backed? Based on what evidence? The impeachment of Rousseff was widely seen as an attempt to silence the corruption probe into Petrobas and done internally by Brazilian politicians. What does the US gain from Temer that it didn’t have with Rousseff?

Consensual sex between people of the same age isn’t rape because if it is, the girl is guilty at least 16 times over whereas each guy is only guilty once.

Because there was no raping? What part of consent did you miss?

I agree, but since I don’t share the corrupt politician values of Hillary Clinton or the racist asshole values of Donald Trump. My options are limited to third party voting or abstaining. Either way someone will be president who does not reflect my values or wishes.

I’m losing no matter what, but I’m not voting for Trump or Hillary.

Books? We’re talking about books? You do realize who Trump voters are right?

I’m not voting for Donald Trump, but I think the argument goes like this: Things are bad for you today and they appear to only be getting worse, wouldn’t changing things possibly offer you something better? Even if he’s a terrible president, you were pretty screwed anyway, so take a gamble.

Think they shared stories?

Tell me what a straight white men’s issue is? And I also don’t understand why you’re getting upset. I didn’t say anything offensive or use a personal attack.

And who decides who the guilty are? Do we even have trials anymore or just get a few good ole boys together and decide?

I understand that, but you’re essentially asking straight males to vote for your issues over their own. Family leave, equal pay, pro-choice, those are all issues targeted specifically at women. I support all that, but I also want to stop getting screwed by corporations. And I want to stop getting screwed by

Obviously the solution is to give the kids guns so they can defend against either parent.

And if you’re a non-Muslim male that’s a US citizen why would Trump scare you?

Trade Policies?

That is an interesting point...I have no idea what Hillary does for fun in her spare time.

It’s a simple way for Clinton defenders to avoid those discussions.

Ah, my mistake. Thought you were talking about the region. I just think it’s funny that Europe basically exported all their Jews to some out of the way place, and now those Jews are claiming the people who lived there before them aren’t a real people.

He lies so often he forgets he’s even lying.