pre-emptive sigh

The majority of Trump’s statements are lies...Less then 10% of the things he says are even mostly true. If that’s not a pathological liar, I don’t know what is.

Trump is a pathological liar. Sheldon Adelson is the extremely pro-Israel. He calls Palestinians a made up people. And he pledged $100million to Donald Trump. You don’t do that unless you get assurances from the person you’re backing.

Israel has an obscene influence on US politics. One of the most vigorous pro-Israel/anti-Palestinians in the country just pledged $100 million to Donald Trump’s campaign.

If a friend invites me over to watch a game and then charges me for a beer, that person is instantly and ex-friend.

And that’s also not the point. The point is that the Sanders campaign not only tolerates this behavior but quietly encourages it.

How you gonna print it without wifi, bluetooth, or firecables? You just gonna pass around the phone one person at a time?

I probably wont matter much. What makes smartphones/tablets possible is the microchip. Without the photoligraphic process for creating the chips, knowing what it looks like is basically useless. You’d have to go back with a file cabinet full of design documents and manufacturing specs.

Unfortunately, popular almost always translates to trite or terrible, and the world of gifs is no exception.

It’s about damn time. I’m so sick of people.

“What we wanted to accomplished is frankly insane”

Command And Conquer Generals was such a great game. Wish they’d do a remake. C&C 3 went all cartoony.

Maybe because hosting the Olympics costs hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars and expecting a ‘backup’ city to be ready for something that probably won’t happen doesn’t sound too awesome

Well if you’re looking at the British for the end of slavery, why not look to the Roman’s or Egyptians for the beginning of it? That’s at least 5000 years of continuous state-level slavery...and even her precious book urges slaves to be obedient to their masters and goes so far as to list the prices for slaves...

A typical 3.5 inch hard drive spins at 7200 rpm which means the outside edge of the disk is moving at ~75 mph. By making the diameter of the disk 12" instead of 3.5" and maintaining the same rpm, the outside edge is moving at over 500mph.

How is this any different than GamerGate? There’s the same mob mentality and the thought that since it’s the internet you can basically get away with saying anything. Each individual may think what they said or did is no big deal, but to the target I’m sure it feels like being deluged with hate.

the misogyny built into the Faith Miltant’s “faith.”

The problem with your point of view is that many pregnant women DIDN’T consent to sex (over 20,000 rape pregnancies annually in the US), many women had sex with protection that failed, and many women had life changing situations that made the pregnancy unwanted (like a boyfriend or husband who decided to leave). In

The right to live doesn’t include the right to use someone else’s body to do so.

Should probably try to reformulate the pro-choice argument in the south so that it’s less about women’s rights (which they don’t give a damn about) and try to make it sound more like property rights or gun rights (which they do care about).

Might also help to avoid mixed-gender parties, or places where lesbians might congregate, or intact adolescent male dogs...basically just stay inside, alone.