President Obomanu

This is awesome.

Deadspin already hired McKenna.

"including bookstore gift certificates, a flute, a Swiss Army knife with his jersey number, '7,' engraved on it … [and] introduced her to great works of literature, including 100 Years of Solitude and I, Claudius."

Read it as a middle schooler and still remember those kids to this day. What an awesome book.

They exclusively cover stupid acting, haven't you seen the Cliff Paul commercials?

Tweet it at Ernie, Charles, Kenny and Grimace.

Ball don't lie. Officials do. Everything worked out in the end for all those beautiful black bodies on OKC.

Of course the only NFL DB who would easily be caught by the cops, even on a scooter, was a white safety.

Even Jason Whitlock, who is pretty reasonable

It's just a small step up from Twitter homophobia. Sometimes they mix in a reference about how good Cam Newton was, and I like to reminisce.

This article has been super popular on the Auburn message board I frequent. It allowed all the mouth-breathers there a way to express their feelings without actually having to type full paragraphs, or even sentences.

It's already a part of SAT questions. No joke.

Mamadou N'Diaye did it first.

"That would make for a pretty meta watching experience" - Eddie Griffin

The scorers charged the error to Russell Westbrook, so now we're all even.

His first suggestion to Haslam was actually Meth.

Has anyone told Cyrus Koundijo he's black? Like I think his name should be a bit of a giveaway, but I'm very concerned about his self-awareness. Should drop him a round or two.

Yeah, guys who are worried about their standing amongst a hyper-macho environment where they are in danger of being shanked every day are definitely going to be motivated to learn economics. The Wealth of Nations isn't going to stop someone from raping you.

So your point is...they're all black?

I thought NASCAR fans were exactly the kind to oppose tread on them.