President Obomanu

Looks a lot like she was trying to imitate her ex-boyfriend Brett Lawrie.

"Hold on, wait, there's now a way to ether people via the internet??" - Darren Sharper

As soon as I read that she ethered him, I knew she had balls. The letter was obviously written by Darren Sharper.

"Young male following": Also what Jerry Sandusky put in his application for Dancing with the Cons.

"Hey coach, we're going to bring you up to the big club...yeah, the Astros...say cheese!"

I knew this would happen once they let the gays play in professional sports...

90% sure that L. Jon Wertheim's book Scorecasting already covered this exact phenomenon.

Louisville said coach Rick Pitino also "is aware of the situation, and is relieved to hear that the child is not his."

That was a great play by Tim Howard in goal there.

I hate Steve and all people of his Elk.