
They work so hard and I’m sorry but it does make me sad that someone has to lose. And I am not of the “everyone’s a winner!” generation.

I cry very randomly and hard and ugly once a day, most days. There’s no warning for it - sometimes I’m in public, or driving but it’s like a hiccup or a tickle and when it starts I make sure to think of everything that’s making me sad and get it all out at once and then I’m like “ahooohooohoo” for about 5 minutes. I


she looks a lot like Yoko in that pic, I thought

thank you, that is why I eat 10 bowls of cereal a day. Lately a good combo is strawberry Cheerios and then a maintenance bowl of bran flakes in the red milk. And then start over because you need dessert.

I thought the same thing about Bella’s tweet.

Someone with more savvy than me please please post an Onyx Blackman pic or gif

From your user name it seems you have experience with both kinds of transplant

Believe it or not, I do know someone (absolutely NOT the person I mention in a response to Cafeine) who was turned down by the D.C. police department after moving from a different part of the country where they had already been a cop, because they did not find him mentally suitable. He’s a good friend of my ex’s and

One in particular that I knew was a firearms instructor at the facilities around here that have armed guards. He was legitimately stupid, a shit stirrer and a hothead. If he got bored he would accuse someone of lying about something [often something he had just made up] and launch into his “I’ve had police training, I

Where- and however police people are made, I can tell you this: if you ever meet an American like in their 30s or younger, and they tell you that they wanted to be a police officer, but they aren’t and they don’t say why, be very, very wary of them. Many US police departments will take fucking aaaaaaaaanybody, no

I don’t like the way they look or feel on me. Even at my smallest my midsection is the thickest part of me and I have no butt. So if they’re big enough to accommodate my boobs, gut and back fat (I am really not so huge but those are my prob areas), they sag like a diaper in the back!

ME TOO. like some kind of messed up Russian nesting doll where the top of my body comes off, if I don’t pick exactly the right thing on my torso.

I love The Cell. Amazing-looking. And I cannot stop looking at this picture of her, like I’ve come back here so many times to see it I felt it worthy of comment finally.

The non-white people and the chubby friend are off having genuine fun somewhere

Snuggles and skritches and love to Emily! And equivalent to her lovely nurse :) I know you will take great care of her.

By the time I had moved to NJ, I wasn’t so into fast food, so I never tried WC. But someone I didn’t know very well visited me from CA for a week and every day they would buy a bag of 10 of the little WC sliders (*shudder*) and shovel them down continuously in the car on the 5 minute drive home, and as we walked

I did the same thing - survived rounds of layoffs to be told I was being relocated someplace completely unacceptable, and quit the next day. From 10 years at a a big oil job to being semi-employed for the last 7 years. I’ve never regretted it. Get out there and kill it!

This post says what my brain is too furious to. I hate today’s media and their phony fucking words soooooooooooooo much sometimes. “Extra” was the only extra word in my day consarn it

Exactly, it’s eliminating the need for a utensil