She did anal.
She did anal.
It was Misty.
That sucks. As a teenage metal head, the first rap albums I ever bought were the Geto Boys self titled and Public Enemy Fear of a Black Planet. Still listen to them on a regular basis. Geto Boys were ahead of their time and genuinely scary at times.
Still stuck in pending even though I was verified last week and this account worked fine. Can someone follow me or recommend me or something. My gimmick account works fine, which is good. I also found out that ZODIAC MOTHERFUCKER is a commenter on deadspin, which made my day.
Ghost - Deus In Absentia
Can’t post without being gray.
My IP address got banned again the first day of Nu Disqus because of my gimmick account. I now post most of my comments outside in winter to get access to another wireless server. I wrote to ask why. Disqus replied the next day and said they don't moderate comments. AV Club never responded.