
My Note 4 Battery lasted about 4 days + on average when new... after about 6 months now is in the 3 + days... no doubt in another year will be about 2 days.

Same here... I have a 3/4 full 64 GB SD card in my Note 4 where do I stick all that data without forking our bookoo money for a 64GB or 128 GB model phone ?... or even if it will offered by my carrier?

Can he come out of retirement to beat the shit out of Yordano Ventura, too?

I pre-ordered mine at Gamestop to get the exclusive plaid shift knob.

Windows has two wildcards: “*” will match any number of characters, and “?” will match any single character. So you can search for “*.jpg” and get any file with that ending, like baboon.jpg, or “?ing” and get files like zing, ring, ding. (but “thing” would be excluded.)

Both 8 and 10 are improvements over 7. They’re both lighter, faster and better optimized, especially if you also have a touch centric PC.

Regrettably, in my state (NJ) a refusal is punished just as severely as a DUI. (7 months suspension plus hefty fines) And if the officer can make an observational case, (Suspect’s eyes were glassy and unfocused, he emitted a strong odor of alcohol, his speech was slurred and when asked to exit the vehicle, he fumbled

I’m only speaking for california here but my advice (as a former prosecutor) is never take the breathalyzer. Here is my four step rule if you are pulled over 1. don’t answer any questions, If the cop starts asking where you are coming from, where you are going, etc these are questions to get information and he is

I’m an attorney in Florida. If you are pulled over you do NOT have to perform the road side field sobriety exercises. And you should never attempt to do them. Politely decline. Handheld or portable breath test devices (PBTs) are not deemed sufficiently accurate to be admitted in criminal court. You will be placed

The bigger question aught to be whether you can refuse a field sobriety test.

ctrl+c and ctrl+v = £45

Maybe don’t mock someone’s intelligence with a currency conversion error. People might come away thinking you’re an idiot.

How does the 1 yr of Prime work if you’re already paid for a year? Just tacks it on to the end of whatever you already have? That would be nice there...

How does the 1 yr of Prime work if you’re already paid for a year? Just tacks it on to the end of whatever you

I don’t think you know how resolution works.

You aren’t kidding. I still wear a scar and a titanium implant on my orbital socket from falling off an e-bike at 25MPH a couple years back...I damn near killed myself. It wasn’t until about 3 days later, as the morphine stupor was wearing off, that I realized if I hadn’t stuck out my hand to break my fall (shattering

“Why aren’t any of these people wearing helmets?!” was my first thought too.

No helmets? I foresee an upcoming Darwin Award.

How exactly is this “steampunk”? Vests used to be a thing. Pocket watches used to be a thing. It has no unnecessary / useless brass gears attached to it. Why add the adjective “steampunk” at all?

Minivan (odyssey ex-l) all the way, and the thing turns into a rolling network on trips. Two hotspots (Sprint and Verizon), three laptops, two iPads and two iPhones for three kids. And a power strip, thank everything for the built in inverter.