
Is there something that explains why despite what appears to be continuous warfare over thousands of years, technology and science have not improved in Westeros? That’s the only thing that I can’t get onboard with. War has been the engine of technological advancement here on Earth, but Westeros? They seem to be happy

Ok, “severely lacking” is definitely an overstatement. It’s my wife’s car and her winter vehicle is a V8 Pathfinder which we call the bullet-train because nothing that big should get up and move quite like it does, so by comparison it’s slow. Also, because it is her car I can’t “modify” it. I’ve looked into a turbo

Vote: America’s Test Kitchen Family Cookbook

Why: I found this book to be very educational in a large amount of areas in the kitchen and outside for grilling/bbq. It contains a lot of tips on recipes as well as the products they found to work best for those situations; utensils, cookware, and even the actual

Makes sense. I could totally see Subaru customers leaving because they (think they) need more space, and with the company already kind of into the SUV vibe this is a logical progression.

The smallest legal to fish sized based on thorax size (I think that’s how they measure it anyway) just happens to equate to about a 1.25lb lobster. Being the smallest they’re also the most common and have the least meat. So they’re the cheapest. You occasionally see lobsters priced individually or in groups. And its

I feel much better about my closely-guarded, life-long secret belief that lobster tastes like bland shrimp crossed with peas that have been boiled way too long.

Still $19.99, just out of stock now. You can still order it though. The $25 price is third party.

Still $19.99, just out of stock now. You can still order it though. The $25 price is third party.

“Tension between Bandidos OMG and Cossacks MC remains high in Texas”

This post is a lot more meaningful if you’ve read the book. Everybody: buy and read Doug Demuro’s book!

Just about all of the gaming mice I have allow the mouse wheel to rock left and right. I ALWAYS bind that when in windows to ctrl-tab\ctrl-shift-tab. To the point where I i feel like I’m new to GUI interfaces when I don’t have that option. With any of the mouse\management programs that let you use application

If you believe it is easy then you have natural skill or very good pans.. The recipe is easy but execution is hard. I try to make it/alfredo/ anything that requries perfect pouring and stirring at low heat and it clumps. So I applaud you for your natural skill in the comment yet curse you behind your back.

On the expressway, a car in the shoulder isn’t detected but on a two lane highway it will pick up a cyclist on the edge of my lane. The display between the speedometer and tach will begin informing me long before the car takes any action itself so I can drift away from anything it considered an obstacle. Once you

Mine will put you through the windshield if theres a cyclist on the shoulder. You learn to predict how it will react and plan your next move before it detects whatever is ahead of you. Unless of course you aren't paying attention, then its a lifesaver.

That better be lego framing up the inside and not wood like it appears.

I’ve bought and sold 7-8 cars on Craigslist, every single one of them was done with cold hard, rock solid, cheese grating, mob affiliating, straight up CASH. Nothing else.

What you can do is just download the latest ISO from Microsoft and it has most of the new updates included, they come out quarterly.

Not sure if first part is a question or not. But yes, and yes.

Just posted below (presidentarthur) how I was able to at least get somewhat it working. Could never figure out how to restore to 4.4. (downgrade) Tried many times.

Safety is just an added feature. Subies commonly do quite well in crash testing.