The first question that comes to mind is, do we really want President Mike Pence?
The first question that comes to mind is, do we really want President Mike Pence?
Hush was great! Idk if it’s still on Netflix. A deaf woman being stalked by a killer outside her home in the woods.
Yes, yes, yes! I watched IT and I barely blinked, I never did the ‘Oh god this is so intense I need to turn into a turtle and retract my head into a shell to hide from this movie scene.’ which to me is a hallmark of a good horror movie. I do also suffer from anxiety issues and take meds for it so maybe that’s part of…
Train to Busan on Netflix is an amazing zombie movie. If you have cable access or access to the SyFy channel online Channel Zero: No End House this season is weird and creepy, I honestly can’t believe Syfy is doing something this good (and no one watches it). Seasonally I love Halloween 3 and the fact that it has…
The Exorcist III (presumably you’ve already watched the original), Drag Me to Hell, The Strangers, Martyrs, Audition, Inside and Them to name some of my faves. The last four are foreign and will be subtitled but they’re really good.
I love horror movies so I shouldn’t be in this post but seeing The Witch listed here at least confirms my thoughts on that overhyped tripe.
It wasn’t one of the more “problematic” crush videos; it involved insects. Which, granted, I find abhorrent, but maybe because it was “just” insects (crickets, IIRC) that site didn’t think it was worth mentioning.
There was some STRONG misreading of that point. What I meant to convey was that I don’t feel biological urges to have kids, though I know PLENTY of women who consider birth to be something of a biological imperative (NOT a need, let me be VERY clear about that): they are equipped to bring life into the world with…
Well, he served an approriate amount of time for the crime he was convicted of. And people should be convicted and sentenced based on the crime they are charged with not past crimes.
Yesss! Tears and floods. Lena...
Oh, it’s another episode of the Progressive Hunger Games in the comments. Can’t wait to see who wins!
My god, the “famous person says something fundamentally supportive in an imperfect* way so let’s shit on him” genre has to die.
It’s a tale as old as time (to quote another song by the chanteuse this post is about): Kate Winslet, star of Titanic…
Frankly, of all the ways the war to end the world could start, you have no reason to be afraid whatsoever of North Korea.
No tweets? I partially come to Dirt Bag for your additions now
Really? Really? Can we ever...EVER stop eating our own? We (progressives) have the biggest single enemy (obvious) to defeat since...Christ I don’t even know who...and we’re still doing this? We’re going to criticize and alienate white people who are late to the party for being late to the party? Now is not the…
But enough about Gawker.
Throughout history, women have been pushed to the sidelines in both concrete and more abstract ways. Women earned…
With a six position reciever extension...