
I have had trouble getting to Feinstein, too. She has an email form on her website (and her staffers have said emails are logged just as calls are if they are not form emails). Meh. I also have two staffers’ individual emails, but the last time I used one (today) staffer responded near immediately that my concern was

Pretty sure they are staggered! Both!

Oakland, then SF! Way to coordinate/stagger for maximum attendance, Bay Area!

You're catching flack, but I just came down here to say the documentary was BEAUTIFUL.

It is me. I am she her all of that yes.

This video is highly underrated in this thread!! Definitely elicited an out-loud “oh my gaaaaaaad!” outta me anyways.

Ah, that’s hard. But I’m sure you have videos of cute little spats to coo over, right? They're adorable when mad!

Same same.

Commentating to encourage anyone who hasn’t seen the HBO (I think) documentary The Loving Story on this case to watch it! Great contemporary photos, video, and interviews. Really, really well done.

I sit and she places her tiny front paws on my knees. It's undeniable.

Never won’t click play on that one. I smile too, cashier lady. I smile too.

Samesies. I never comment to say “I feel similarly,” because normally, what does that add? But this topic, this time of year... Ugh. When you find someone else, you just kind of want to scream “ME TOO.”

Yeah, Bernie Sanders is actually from BKLN...

This list has got to be missing some! A commenter did a round-up a while back (gaddamit I shoulda saved the whole thing) and there was one about a quesadilla that really got me going. A delight!

Hahaha hooray! Drop some lemonade in there for a shandy or some vanilla ice cream! Fuckilove Guinness, in all its iterations.

Just commented above to say it was Guinness that made me switch to straw-beer-ing. Got tired of the heady mustache on my upper lip after the first few pulls. Then it just started to feel like I was drinking a delicious beer shake and I never looked back. Meh. To each her foam.

I started using a straw when I started drinking stouts with prominent foamy heads as my go-to bar beer. I got tired of wiping Guinness mustaches off of my upper lip (lipstick and all). Never looked back.

I haven't been able to get off the internet today and this article joins the stack of beautiful things read, written, said and fucking SANG in the last 24 hours.

I took a screen shot of your comment because it gave me so much joy, and I’m a leetle drunk, but I want to remember it happened. The gif (edit: it's totally a video! Hahahaha I know things) won’t work when I find my screenshot tomorrow, but I’ll know... I’ll know

What, a cabin what’s filled with them reptiles?! I dursn’t!