FTNL, as a 25-year-old woman that still struggles with the concept of heterosexual virginity, I get your anxiety — right down to the shaking and probably not communicating it correctly with your partner.
Sooo fucking pathetic they’ve bitched an moaned about Obamacare for god knows how long, screaming they’ll replace it with something better. You finally get your shot with a majority gov’t through all branches and what have you got to show, WHAT HAVE YOU FUCKING DONE IN THOSE YEARS LEADING UP TO THIS? You have nothing…
No, they don’t. They tell him to drop the knife, over and over again. One guy is yelling, “DUDE!! PUT IT DOWN!! PLEASE!!” But yelling, while guns are trained on the guy. I was trying to figure out when the deescalation training was going to kick in, but it really never did in any meaningful way.
Did you read the part about how the bureaucracy and red tape of the background check process may often take longer than the 2-year time limit? If their background check isn’t being processed in a timely fashion (whether that’s due to lack of personnel, funding, whatever) isn’t their fault and should have no bearing on…
I’ve always kept bread in the freezer! I don’t eat it fast enough, I guess.
Nobody thought it was strange that the titles of two of his collections were “Tous Les Yeux Sur Moi” and “Strictement Pour Mes Niggas”
I find it sad that I have had credit monitoring for several years now, but I have never paid for it. Various companies and the government keep giving it to me when my stuff has possibly been stolen, due to their negligence.
That TrustedID service ranks dead last is several reviews I’ve read now about ID theft protection. I don’t do business with Equifax but I’m still affected.
Super glad I’m not the only one whose mind went to the wrong diaphragm.
Don’t forget, the patient they were trying to pull blood from was actually a police officer from Idaho. And his Idaho police department thanked the nurse for protecting their fellow officer’s constitutional rights.
You seem very ready to give up your rights. Common law actually gave individuals the right to resist unlawful arrest; that has been legislated away from in many but not all jurisdictions. I’m not advocating for her or anyone else to resist arrest, but she had a moral and legal obligation to her patient and advocating…
We have a Constitution that protects us from unlawful searches and seizures; the Supreme Court specifically declared taking blood from unconscious patients without a warrant violates that right in 2016. Post hoc remedies cannot make people whole. No one — including cops — should be able to break the law and then…
He wasn’t in police custody. He was a victim of an accident. If you are going to spew idiocy at least have your facts straight.
You, and all your grey’d ilk complaining about my use of the word ‘mansplaining’ can kindly take a seat. This is a perfect example of the concept.
Further into the video after she is in the car, another cop who I assume is a supervisor is explaining to the nurse how its no big deal if the cops break the law and take the blood illegally, that there are civil remedies for afterwards that will fix the situation, that if the cops broke the law anything that comes…
The worst part about this is the cop at the end telling her “Hey, if you think we’re breaking the law with your patients, just let us do it, we can work it out later.”
From what I heard, people don’t even reject now, they just never call back or email back.