
Huh. I didn’t think they could find a way to turn my active disinterest in this movie into active dislike.

I don’t think I’ll ever understand the desire to support a religion that actively hates you. Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug.

“Checking in.”

What if your underwear already looks like that?

Durant CLEARLY took three steps on that dunk. smh.

I do not like him. I am consistent in my hateful philosophies.

Curry falls down after every single shot and it could not be more annoying.

If a player is desperate enough to willingly jump into a player he successfully baited with a pump fake then it should be an offensive foul, and turnover on possession. This isn’t a savvy play, it’s called being an asshole. I’m sick of it too. I really wish the NBA would penalize blatant flopping (especially when seen

Can you please do the how to make a pan sauce? Like, I understand the fundamental idea of deglaze, add aromatics and butter, reduce, but they are always disasters. I think my temperature control is just all wrong with them. I feel like I’m just missing some fundamental step.

That money guy, I feel like the doctor completely missed the mark in helping him. I know he asked about being wealthy and how it affects relationships, but clearly the guy’s main problem is he has no confidence whatsoever. The first half of his letter is just him pointing out everyone one of his own flaws and then he


Am I the only one who read the headline as Jazzy Jeff instead of Jazz’s Jeff?

Guys. I know you all think you’re more super caring and progressive than me. I get it.

Yeah, I’m actually very confused by the asshole tone of this article.

When you’re coming up on someone on the highway, and they’re too afraid to use cruise control, and instead of being steady with their foot, their speed fluctuates between 65-85, and I’m forced to pass you 6 times because every time I pass you, you speed up top 85 and then pass me and then slow down to 65, or I’m stuck

Oh, whatever. Everybody knows that pot is not a big deal and that it’s our laws that need modernizing. You’re not an “addict” if you want to be able to fly with some marijuana. Get off your high horse there, buddy.

Fuck you dump school, it’s Indian, it’s yoga. If they don’t like that don’t fucking do it or allow it at your schools. And while you’re at it, you can stop using the following words: guru, pyjamas, jodhpurs, mogul, and junta. Also, eradicate the zero from your numbers system. Because those are all Indian, too.

As a Clippers fan:

You could have just left it at “my team is the Warriors.”

Yup. Turnout was dismal in a recent LA election.