Judge Hershey

I just moved to NYC and cannot understand how so many women wear flip flops and thin sandals. You’re letting your feet get so close to so much grossness! And I come home at the end of the day and take off my shoes right by the front door because goodness knows what’s on them. There’s no way their feet are clean. I

I played Yakuza 0 when it came out and hesitated on Kimiwa 1. I picked up Yakuza 6 on sale not too long ago but have yet to play it. Now with Kimiwa 2 so soon, do I picked up Kimiwa 1 and 2 to play first?

There’s a whole world out there (which evidently exists just a few miles from where I am) to which I’m completely oblivious - even despite an open war going on within that world! There really are upsides to advanced age.

It really is shocking. And the way women will look right over your head to...the mediocre white man standing behind you. The conditioning is real.

Every defensive-minded NFL head coach looks like a thumb, and every offensive-minded head coach looks like a mid-level executive at Theranos. “We believe that BLOOD is the truest form of content.”

Once I had a boss (in city government) who put together an invitation list to a reception for a company looking to possibly relocate in our city. He was all excited about how he was going to get the best people in the city to come out and impress these visitors. The invite list he gave me to send out had 35 people on

Maybe someone was a naughty boy?

The worst part about working in politics and government as a woman is the explaining I have to do.

You’re really angling for that ruler of Australia gig, aren’t you Panger....

Sequel to Hunt for Red October?

The harassment I am experiencing on the campaign trail is astounding to me.

It turns out we’re all going to die.

Whatever. I’m sure I’ll be fine.

So here’s my take on the whole thing. It’ll be a little on the long side:

Well at this point I’d be fine with pulling from my future social security to pay for my leave so I can spend more time with my child because at this rate I will never get to retire anyways. HAHAHAHA. 

this is my fat boy, he’s beautiful and i love him

We do get the fly the Trump blimp next week though!