Judge Hershey

Attention young people: Listen to an old. The entire time I was growing up, our government warned its citizens that the U.S.S.R. was about the rain nuclear destruction upon us. We spent all of our money on weapons we never used and didn’t need, instead of making our country better.

Screw police dogs. We need police cats.

The constitutional protection to free speech (and free press) means that the government cannot prevent you from speaking or publishing (at your own cost) most types of speech, most notably political speech, nor punish you for it. This is codified in the 1st Amendment, which prevents the government from “muzzling” you,

They should postpone this movie until it’s been, say, six months since the last U.S. gun massacre, thus assuring that it would never, ever be released.

Infowars et al should host their own fucking drivel on their own site then...YouTube doesn’t have to host anyone’s shit.

What would it take to never hear about the Kartashians and their friends and their offspring and their boyfriends and their husbands and their makeup and hair people, ever again? For real, a natural disaster? I think a natural disaster, because they’re so shameless that nothing in their ‘personal’ lives could ever be

You seem to think posting videos on website owned by a private company is is a right and they have to let you do it ....

These people really love their “free speech” catch-all. You’d think they’d learn what it actually means one of these days.

And they’re free to do that. Youtube, however, as a private company, has no obligation to provide the means for them to do it. It’s their house, they set the rules, if you don’t like it you can host your shit somewhere else.

“I was expecting Princess Peach? Very nice lady. Very nice.”

“I just wanted to say, Wario is doing a tremendous job”

*Trump sits down at table with the most most prestigious leaders of gaming studios in the world*

Maybe a meeting with Molyneux could create an ouroboros of lies so unending we won’t hear from either ever again?

I couldn’t possibly unsee this

Aside from not immediately arresting the pair (Which would have been mind blowing) it’s surprising that the Police dept, the Grand Jury, and the Solicitor-General all took this seriously. Definitely a move in the right direction.

“Bongiovanni, in a split second, highly-intense situation of deescalating the situation, did everything he was trained to...”

I miss Wonderfalls.