Judge Hershey

Seriously people, if you’re that desperate to get your nut off then you can just go to, um, er, uh Denmark.

 It’s Pittsburgh. I’m sure somebody else has made the point that there might be an actual improvement in basic awareness sans Gazette.

Meghan McCain gleaning praise and what-not from her father having died for the next umpteen years is enough to make any decent person yak.

They aren’t able to stop it. Seriously, there’s no conspiracy here.

 You hate mint chocolate..

Man, I hate to do it, but how many knots do you think we could get from her if we turned her into the wind?

Sessions is a demmycrat as only demmycrats can be racist because “insane garbage” so it’s normal for Trump to hate Sessions because Trump says he’s a “insane garbage” suck it lib!!1

 This was the stuff you’d try had just to chew it.

It’s just shit pizza.

Yup, the complete and total attempt at sweeping this shit under the rug so some assholes can make some money is just goddamn exhausting.

How can one like Ted Cruz? Seriously! he’s an odious, sweaty, smarmy bastard. I feel sorry for his two daughters and am glad that they look like their mother or they wouldn’t get on the ballot, or something.

So you’ve got “The new RFK” VS. “The guy whose father might/not have had a hand in killing RFK’s brother.”

I’d take issue with that. Ivanka making her statement that ‘the country is united in mourning for Senator McCain.’

TBF If Michelle Obama was gardening in high heels it would a greater scandal than the tan suit!

clear conscience

I was taught imagine yourself walking up a staircase for ever, and ever, and ever.

Somebody call the Pope!!

Katie you’re so tiny! Seriously tho don’t take that crap!

And Cock.

Money Brains