Preparation Heche

Arkansas did produce Levon Helm, one of the finest rock drummers ever.

Yeah, Clapton is an ignorant douche, but I’ll trust his expertise in this particular area...

If this is anyone but Steve Allen, you’re stealing my bit!


If Nick Nolte is “less crazy Gary Busey,” then I’d hate to see “more crazy Gary Busey”...

You just blew my mind...

He should have won it for The Master...

Johnny finally got his crane shot...

You just blew his mind, man...

It’s weird that the former commissioner of the NBA played such a prominent part in an 80s sitcom...

Yeah, but being shirtless is the only way to watch Joe Dirt 2 anyway, so it’s a win/win situation...

Here’s a crazy story for you: Donald Trump, the idiot real estate tycoon who came to prominence in the late 80s/early 90s, became President of the United States in 2016...

You’re dog shit.

Or you can’t have any pudding...


Indy returns to the Middle East to save the hostages in Iran...

Just curious: what columns turned you off of Magary?

Dude, I disliked the first Avatar film, and I have no intention of seeing this one or the forthcoming sequels. Having said that, you’re coming off like a total fucking lunatic in the comments here the past few days...

And judging by the photo at the top of the article, he’s turning more and more into a ventriloquist dummy...

The Black equivalent of Randy Quaid...