Preparation Heche

Is that Adam McKay or Kim Jong-un in that photo at the top of the page?

I liked how they all jumped up and down on a bed for a few minutes after the band was dissolved...

Goddamn you, Chomsky -- Nigel wrote that!

The Burnout series started in 2001 too. I know it doesn’t have the sway of GTA or Final Fantasy, but some of those games were fun as fuck...

A studio audience chanting “JERR-Y! JERR-Y! JERR-Y!” would be a nice touch too...

Which spawned the classic zinger, “Andy Serkis wasn’t even the best drummer in The Beatles!”

I saw this exact same comment the other day, except it was written in shit on the walls of an abandoned mental institution...

FYI: hist last name is spelled “Riegert” not “Reigert”...

If anyone under the age of 40 knew who Foster Brooks was, this comment would have at least 50 stars...


Now playing

These are the only Michael Caine acting tips you’ll ever need...

Don’t you get snippy with me!

Mac and Me was great!

The one true opinion is punctuation.

Alanis Morrisey loves India....and hates China!

If there’s one person who’s capable of turning God into a small role, it’s Kevin Smith...

Buddy! Hey, buddy! You left this YouTube clip lying on the ground over here!

I’ve got some bad news for you...

It’s in Revelations, people!!!

And “Golden Slumbers” was originally titled “Golden Showers”!