Preparation Heche

Aimee is basically parroting the same old horse shit that comes up whenever any jurisdiction considers raising the minimum wage. We heard all this in Ontario a few years ago, when the Liberal government raised the minimum wage from $11.40 per hour to $14 per hour. A lot of doom and gloom — and of course none of it

Hey, everyone! Check out Andrew Carnegie over here!

Done and done.

I use two cups of rendered hog’s fat...

Or Lance Reddick...

I’m pretty sure Pete was the type of teenager who brought a briefcase to school with him every day...

“...that whispery rut.”

Now playing

The Kids in the Hall had some thoughts on that...

Or Sully.

Wait until this time next year.

Shut up, tomato!

When the other cat informs him that he’s part white, he just shakes his head and says, “one drop of blood is all you need”....

No shit. I read that headline at least ten times and I still couldn’t figure out what it meant. I had to stop reading it after I was overwhelmed by the smell of burnt toast...

Do you know what’s also fascinating? The word “fulfill.”

Don’t buy this special! Comedy Dynamics is a subsidiary of General Dynamics!

Yeah, but her Manson tweet still contained more truth than any of her musings on vaccinations..

Should be “than” not “then” in the headline...

Man, that dude really liked Anthony Quinn, long after Quinn was a bankable star...

“Darrell Hammond playe[d] Jesse Jackson for years, but no blackface.”