Preparation Heche

She made Gene Simmons an honest woman...

I had to check out that idiot’s Twitter feed just to make sure that it wasn’t Matt Walsh, the dude from Veep. That would have broken my goddamn heart...

The NDP is a real party. They have assumed power in several provinces and they routinely get 20-40 seats in Parliament. In terms of their place on the political spectrum, all I can say is that Bernie Sanders would be in the NDP if he were Canadian...

“In 2011, the NDP had over 100 seats, and their numbers could climb.”

I’m starting to get the impression that this Donald Trump character isn’t a very good president...

Thankfully, they’re used to winning divisions and still ending up disappointed...

John Rhys Plumlee is single-handedly the most British and the most southern name I’ve ever heard...

Eh, that’s nothin’...

I’m pretty sure John Goodman’s character in Revenge of the Nerds served on this investigative committee...

I played a lot of baseball when I was younger, and I was an above average hitter, but I’d be lucky to even touch a pitch that was thrown by a major league pitcher...

Perhaps more importantly, the NBA option doesn’t have a “fear of god” aspect to it. Sure, your pride is going to take a beating, but there’s no risk of getting beaned in the head by a 95 mph pitch or having your neck broken by a 300 pound lineman...

Dear PenthouseI mean, Dear Salty Waitress...

That was a rough series. “Swept by the Blue Jays” is a phrase that’s rarely been uttered the past three seasons...

This is when it entered It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia territory for me. Specifically, the early episode where Dee dates a local hip-hop artist and Mac, Charlie, and Dennis think there’s something “off” about him...

You don’t buy an MLP necklace with fiat currency. You buy it with friendship and hugs...

He looks like a spent Russian satellite is about to crush him...

The best part about that Simpsons scene is the newspaper headline that emerged afterwards: “Man loses pants, life”... 

But isn’t he also “cursed,” as all these players on the sad sack 2019 Yankees are... 

It’s understandable if he’s a Pirates fan. I hear they’re looking for a new lefty reliever right about now...

“...some of this is actually really funny...”