Preparation Heche

We will not be commenting on this activation.”


Once you start hearing the vuvuzela death knell being blown every two minutes during a game, you’ll know the end to Tampa Bay baseball is near...

We have Victoria Day at around the same time (this year it was one week before Memorial Day). For some strange reason Canadian officials decided not to have a holiday honouring the deaths of American soldiers...

Not with that attitude!


It’s perfect that that happened at a fucking Rays game...

Can we assume that she’s also in favor of re-militarizing the Rhineland?

That’s pretty rich --- especially when you consider that your grandma was probably smoking PCP out by the woodpile while you and gramps were engaging in some brutal, backbreaking labor!

Phil Collins actually watched Bradley Nowell die. I kept on yelling, “DO SOMETHING, PHIL! FOR CHRIST’S SAKE, THE MAN IS DYING RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU!!!” but he just stood there with a crooked smile on his face...

Let’s rotate the board!

Why is Webb a shitty person?

Just to clarify: I’m referring to the former White Sox pitcher...

James Baldwin is definitely the blackest Baldwin.

The great thing about the rise of social media is that we all get to express ourselves like 13-year-olds. Get on the bus or get bent, old man!

MTV’s The Real Verb was one of my favorite grammar-related reality shows during the 90s

They wanted to ensure that only one child actor was put at risk of killing themselves due to hounding from idiot Star Wars fans...

His wording is a bit off, but I suspect he and Ferrigno were paving an elevator...

The same way you get to Carnegie Hall: practice...