And thank god he did! Not only was he on base when Carter hit the series winning dinger in 1993, but he also helped create that awesome (but probably apocryphal) story involving John Olerud...
And thank god he did! Not only was he on base when Carter hit the series winning dinger in 1993, but he also helped create that awesome (but probably apocryphal) story involving John Olerud...
Put down the phone and go to sleep. This world isn’t meant for you...
“I’m not saying one way is better...”
Weirdest game of package/kick/fuck I’ve seen in a long time...
Nestling it in your cheek has another added advantage: it’s step one in pulling off a killer Jerry Lewis impression...
That’s one of the better things Dan Savage has ever written.
“...but I kept playing it even as it slowed because I thought that sounded cool.”
I eventually figured it out, but it goes to show how terrible the writers are at characterization. I swear, I’ve read the names of at least 10 characters from TWD in this column/comments section over the years that fail to immediately spark even a glimmer of recognition in my mind...
I haven’t read the comics, but now you’ve piqued my curiosity. I need to know if my silly little joke unwittingly spoiled a major plot point...
Not with that attitude!
“Only two episodes left! I hope nothing bad happens at the glorious fair!”
I’ve seen every episode of this show, and yet my first instinct when I read the last part of your comment is to ask: who the fuck is Connie?
Speaking as a Canadian, I can say that we don’t actually try. We just basically pour all the ingredients on the floor, add some water with a garden hose, and then scoop it up and throw it in some cans with an old snow shovel...
Or “from”...
Americans need to ask themselves whether they want to vote for a man who looks an awful lot like the gym teacher that had sex with Kim Cattrall in the first Porky’s movie?
My favorite part about Smith’s own goal: it was his birthday as well...
You’re also a better actor than Lori Loughlin...
If I’ve said this once, I’ve said it a thousand times: the University of San Diego has an amazing welding school...