I hope Viv’s there.
They did, but he quit soon thereafter. Said he “couldn’t take this 4/4 shit”...
Your comment is the stuff of a madman’s dreams...
“If that isn’t enough nostalgia and/or angst for you, next year’s Tribeca Film Festival will also by hosting a special 25th anniversary celebration for Ben Stiller’s Generation X classic Reality Bites.”
How would these Brits respond if we starting referring to James Bond as zero zero seven?
Since we’re quibbling over minor linguistic issues, I should point out how annoyed I get whenever I see the AV Club’s newswire item about what’s “coming to (and leaving from) Netflix.” It should be “coming to (and leaving) Netflix,” shouldn’t it? Are there any copy editors in the commentariat who can confirm this for…
Then your intensity is definitely not for shit, sir. Kudos!
CTRL-F: “Kendrys”
Yeah, but...did you make the catch?
And then what will we do when when the pinky and thumb team up in a slight shaking motion? We fought those wars in the 80s, man...
This article has been up for almost 4 hours and I’m the first to comment on it. Not looking good for Papa Roach...
This might seem unduly harsh, but you should beat up your father in the laneway in front of his house, in front of all of his friends and family...
The Defecating Magistrate is both a chess move and a sex act...
You’re a silly little man...
I just hope this doesn’t affect his work with Junkhouse...
You “heard” him “!”
c) thinks Jesus spent his 20s backpacking through Europe...
“Even Jesus fucked around in his 20's which is why it’s not in any part of the bible.”
He should be so fucking lucky...