Preparation Heche

The only funny thing Jim Belushi was ever a part of...

“YES Im an optician, I’ve often though about grinding lenses in the apocalypse.”

To be fair, they didn’t announce everything. For instance, they didn’t give us advanced warning that Rick dies after being hit in the temple by a line drive during the 1st Annual Alexandria vs. Saviors Softball Tournament...

“The Governor proved to be such a compelling nemesis...”

(removed by Paul Tracy)

It’s like the season one episode of The Simpsons where Marge is the drunken idiot and Homer is the voice of reason...

Have I got a Steely Dan song for you!

That’s when Enid will reveal that she just uses the wheelchair for respect, Guy Caballero-style...

  • I predict Rick’s death will spur some sort of self-imposed exile, à la Carol...

What about Smokey and the Bandit-style bloopers and outtakes?

“However, if you stick around and talk to the sheriff, he’ll likely take it as a misunderstanding and give you a verbal warning.”

It’s sad that his Twitter feed looks no more deranged than Twitter users who haven’t gone the Unabomber route...

The worst example of this was when they added online banking to Grand Theft Auto V. I don’t fire up a video game to do shit like that!

Sportsnet offers the Buck and Matt feed up here in Toronto. Sometimes I’ll flip over to the Fox feed to see what’s going on, but it usually lasts only a minute or two. So much awfulness...

I’d like to say that the Dodgers are the contemporary equivalent of the 90s Braves, but then I remember that the Braves actually did win one World Series...

Beside the rack with all the Sarah McLachlan and Jakob Dylan CDs?

This is true. Mookie Buckner definitely fields that grounder cleanly...

Have fun mosh pitting!


That video is strangely hypnotic...