Tell that to the New Yorker!
Tell that to the New Yorker!
The headline was, like, "don't listen to this song, man. It's terrible." But I was, like, there's no fuckin' way you're gonna tell me what I can or can't listen to, so I totally fuckin' clicked on the link.
Sounds like The Cult…
- most New Yorkers
That dynasty could only have been averted via a Brazilian soccer team-style plane crash…
"The episode opens at the 2016 FrancesaCon at Radio City Music Hall…"
The Unknown Comic did it first!
You're thinking of the Jerky Boys…
You can also do this with The Larry Sanders Show and Seinfeld. They shot on the same lot, so a shit ton of character actors show up in both series…
Oz was fun to watch and hugely entertaining, but I don't think it should be considered "prestige tv." It was just too ridiculous, even in the early seasons…
She also shouldn't have named her plane "Never Gonna Die Under Mysterious Circumstances"…
English wasn't good enough for Jesus. That's why he spoke jive…
To be fair, it is the best channel to learn about obesity and dwarves…
Do you mean an actual ninja or the motorbike of the same name?
That sounds like a challenge!
Captain Stubing couldn't hack it…
Have you ever watched Love Boat? Some guy I know told me it's about dudes who fuck boats…
I do!
As plain as the dashboard on Paul's face…
That's because you insisted on masturbating while you were telling everyone about it…