What's a truck?
What's a truck?
Before Jabba lost all that weight…
I just hope he finishes someone by ripping their arms off…
…damentally awful.
Now you've got me thinking that Neil Young is Sylvester Stallone's character at the end of Cop Land…
I don't care for this. Can you post something for ridiculous audiophobes?
I hear DC's going to inject that into their cinematic universe sometime in the next couple of years…
I'm not sure what's going on here. I was just making a joke…
Cervix, flamingwombat. Cervix…
Not enough moonlight melon mounting…
Malthus? That's your go-to philosopher that Hollywood execs are refusing to read?
"Ideas about reality as a construct had been floating around, in science fiction and elsewhere, for decades."
"Oh yes. I am a black fellow receiving oral sex from a lady. Wow, that feels just super!"
You should steer clear of Karen Black's memoirs then…
The photo is weird too. He looks like a cartoon snake…
Oh, I'm familiar with Dykstra and his shenanigans, on and off the field. I just think Rabin is the last person who should be writing about him…
I'm not sure Rabin's much of a sports fan (much less a baseball fan)…
So Many Tossed Salads: The Kelsey Grammer Story…