
I believe the issue is that this autonomy and agency is "The PRIMARY and MOST ESSENTIAL" power a woman can hold. Basically they are arguing that women are obsessed with vaginas and reproduction, versus all the other arenas of power we might wield. Of course, we are focused on clinging and fighting for autonomy over

There's already a band called Haunted Pussy.

It was the L and the A, and he bowled at the Gutter in williamsburg.

I am a long time antigentrification activist and low income person living in NY, and... I just fail to see anything patently offensive about the song, at least not based on its lyrics alone. It could just as well apply to the many low income immigrants who move here. I fail to see how this is a "gentrification

Does she have bulimia cheeks?

I already do some simple 3d work on a tablet, but for the purposes of a working architect, not a filmmaker or photorealistic renderer. Adobe CS, Textwrangler and an FTP program, Rhino, and VectorWorks would really do it all!

Some of us do both and we would love it to be in the same device

But that's what we want. Something that can function like a tablet when we're reading, traveling, on the go, or giving a presentation (like a client meeting or job interview), without the keyboard half sitting there. But has all the power of a laptop with attachable keyboard and mouse when we're in a more

If they need to move back in with mom and dad, they should be contributing equally to the household maintenance of mom and dad's place. That said, it's mom and dad's generation who voted and upheld the shitty economy, student debt, gutting of social services, etc. that prevents their college aged kids from having the

My dude is very much like this too. He goes out of his way to be helpful in all ways. Probably the reason he's the first person I have dated that I've taken seriously as a potential partner.

Why exactly did he not move into HER house? at the VERY least? This just sounds like a Bates Motel "dressing up granny's rotting carcass" a la Psycho waiting to happen.

If he's planning to pay a good living wage for her to stay at home and not do other work, and actually treat her like that's her own income, then perhaps he's got something there. AKA an upgrade to traditional marriage.

The question is whether it makes things easier on the (typically) women who are doing the cleaning. They ARE women working full time too, you know. Who cleans THEIR house?

I have personally never noticed a correlation between the "bad boy" asshole type, and cleanliness or uncleanliness. I've had the misfortune of dating several assholes, and several really amazing upstanding people. They were ALL clean. Even the broke, squatter punk types kept their shit as clean and organized as

Alert: we have a Nice Guy on our hands

I don't understand people who don't want to do housework. Don't you WANT to live in a decently ordered, pleasant space? (Not saying that means "pinterest perfect," just.. not covered in filth, and tidy.) After being homeless for a year, when I finally got housing again, I was all about housekeeping. Washing laundry

As an atheist, that's going to be my new swear. OH MY GRID.

Don't know how she got a British accent in Gainesville tho?

Consistently, and on a lifelong basis, donate a noteworthy portion of his generous salary to Jewish groups working in solidarity against genocide in Palestine, and to groups that organize against anti-Black racism, perhaps.

Wait so WHILE disapproving of Galliano for being racist and anti-semitic, you're gonna call up the Greedy Jew stereotype about the "Pearlsteins of the world" cashing in? Okaaay.