
He wears short shorts / She wears team jerz / She's the team captain / And he's the cheerleader

Depending on how close you are and what your budget is, it isn't necessarily offensive. If you're rich or otherwise better-off than the person you're asking, then don't do it. Pay them their normal rate, or at least an agreed upon friends discount. If you're all equally broke, they'll get it. You need to be

I'm lucking out because several of my closest friends are graduates of one of the country's top MFA photo programs. When the time comes, wedding photos by people who have museum shows on the regular, the cost will be (maybe) airfare and a hotel.

Missed opportunity to call it Kickleback.

This is about the folks who are affiliated with asshole Mark Driscoll's Mars Hill Church, but it kind of describes the same thing. Hipsterification is safe, consumerist, family friendly, really.…

I was actually most grossed out by the "shout out to all you kids buying bottle service with your rent money / Respect." Ahh middle class college kid asshattery.

Is it a dark hair thing? I am Asian and I have baby hairs in spades.

My current boss got arrested during Occupy and treats us really well, my former boss is a trans woman who marches for social justice causes regularly and is active on LGBT rights issues. Been lucky. They exist!

If you are the kind of parent who would do all of that, it's also unlikely that you'd also be the kind of parent who would raise children who behaved in such a horrible fashion.

I appreciate the desire to avoid the open plan office space. But to me, this also says, "Gawker Media doesn't hire wheelchair users for executive positions." Anything where the central feature of a building is a staircase says exactly that.

"I did this with the best of intentions, but no good deed goes unpunished." The unctuousness is causing my arm hair to stand on end all the way over HERE.

"I did this with the best of intentions, but no good deed goes unpunished." The unctuousness is causing my arm hair to stand on end all the way over HERE.

I recently received an out-of-the-blue text message from a number I didn't recognize, and whom I assume was from OKCupid. It said, "Hi, EekScaryPhoto! Two years ago, we planned to meet up. As you may remember, I had to break off the date because I got arrested and went to jail. I've just gotten a new phone and was


When I had workstudy in my high school's cafeteria (about 16 years ago) the meat was marked "Grade D: for prisoners and students."

Based on how you discussed it, and how the actual curator discussed it, I believe you are more qualified to curate the exhibition than he is. Please go steal his job.

" do you know how many asian am designers that are at the top of the game right now? do you think they're going to be discussing how broad and wide and modern "asian" influence is? nope. "

Asian-American and other fashion designers of Asian descent:

What kind of headphones does this accommodate? There were pre-launch rumors that it would have a special jack that only worked with some absurdly expensive Beats by Dr. Dre headphones and I'm hoping that isn't true!