
Really? Spouses can no longer speak about their dead partners? Why not? Also, I am sure his reputation will be just fine. Calm down a bit. Maybe be more concerned with the fact that he was utterly awful and very abusive and violent to a lot of women? Yeah, no one gives a fuck about that, so why are you freaking out

*Soft gasp* Robocup!

The Reuben one reminded me of a story Terry Pratchett told. He said that one jet-lagged evening he accidently asked for Three Mile Island dressing for his salad. The waitress didn’t say a word, just brought him Thousand Island dressing and a bottle of hot sauce.

I don’t understand why someone didn’t just say something.

Libraries have meeting rooms for use by the public. I am using one today.

They never took a doggie bag home and they never touched Golem Jesus’s meal.

It’s got to be a combination, with religion attracing the outskirts of sanity, and then the religious echo-chamber and indoctrination making sure they stay on the outskirts.

I've been thinking lately: Does religion make ppl crazy or are crazy ppl more likely to be super religious?

This one is by FAR the best one:

My sister in law saw this show, and said it was actually pretty fun. I was worried about exploitation of cats and all that (I *remember* how sad Mark thought Grumpy Cat looked) but she said the woman talks about that during the show, and uses the show to advertise kitties who need to be adopted. I cautiously approve.

Seriously! That’s like saying:

I’m sorry. It probably doesn’t mean much coming from some rando on the internet but I’m so so sorry. You're absolutely right about this shitshow too. Fuck Jared. Fuck Subway. Fuck ANY human being who could do that to a child or allow it to happen. Fuck em’ all. At any rate I hope things are better for you. I hope you

“I’m concerned he is a paedophile”

“He described sex with minors, including underage prostitutes between the ages of 9 and 16” Um, no. He described raping child sex slaves. No nine year old is a prostitute and no nine year old “has sex” with an adult. Ever. That’s slavery and rape. I know. I too was a nine year old sex slave.

I heard she left him because Kermit’s the pig in the relationship...

Not to mention having a close relationship with a teacher gives him a reason to hang around schools... :/

God, those Gawker comments were horrible. I posted something along the lines of ‘what the hell is wrong with you people? He isn’t Josh Duggar. He hasn’t hurt anyone” and I got maybe 4 stars. This is a sad story and I don’t understand why people are being so cruel.

I also thought it was hilarious when I thought it was a character they made up. To know they based it off him and he would see it is just cruel.

I’m thinking they went for his look, but not his personality, because I hear he was just an amazing amazing person.