
Do you have any links to this? I would love to read more about it. The history of computing is interesting - they used to employ women to weave the original circuitry because it had to be done by skilled textile artists with small fingers. So the original circuit designers/fabricators were women and it has a strong

Algebra & the roots of most basic contemporary mathematics came from the middle east. The word comes from Al-Jabr, a Persian term. The origins of the hard sciences are in the Middle East, North Africa and China.

It's interesting how it's never the successful, attractive specimens of the white race who are heavily involved in white supremacy. Oh, white privilege and internalized supremacy and even sometimes overt racism? Sure. But the actual intelligent, "Cream of the crop" so to speak, know better than to affiliate with

So you think that sexual violence is justified in any circumstance, and you're so homophobic as to assume that gay sex is a punishment? Gross.

They checked the towing records of his company, and there was a massive spike in towing at last year's Gay Days, but not other public events.

Mostly they are predatory, but I approve of towing being used to move cars away from hydrants and disabled parking spots.


I would be offended to see "Mein Kampf" on someone's registry... then again those people wouldn't be likely to invite me anyway.

Yeah lots of cultures do cash gifts... it's a very WASP thing to try to differentiate themselves, situate other cultures as rude/coarse/moneygrubbing, and then turn around and become authorities on etiquette and tell everyone else what is polite and how to behave.

I've been to a wedding like that. Chinese bride, Jewish groom. It was pretty cute, had an excellent Chinese reception dinner, everything great except when the dudes dropped the bride when they lifted her on the chair thing.

Perhaps she'll be able to earn way more than $2500 with that camera and screen!

Why is it considered more "adult" to have more expensive possessions?

I went to a wedding where the partners were really cognizant that many of their friends, spread all over the country, were very poor (as were the couple getting married).

Kickstarter is only for creative projects. If the couple are architects then maybe...

OMG I love Tasha Tudor.

That's precisely the correct response from the cleaners. Make that fool clean up his own shit. It's not their job to be treated that way just because "there's a cleaning lady."

If you look at the actual videos from specific I'm Shmacked events (not just the big, multischool edits) they look really pathetic and have a lot of filler that's just driving by scenic locations on the campuses.) The selective editing is really doing A LOT for these people. I dunno. These videos just seem so...

SO, the thing with governing bodies like the NFL is that they get to set their own standards. Like a University can expel a student for plagiarism. Is it academically dishonest? Yes. Is it likely to send the student to jail and lead to any kind of legal conviction? In most cases, absolutely not. The NFL can take a

Claude Nicolas Ledoux - "Oikema" -architectural drawing for a brothel in the shape of, well, you know.

When they are young, and systematically disempowered by situations such as this as well as being a minor who is not able to defend themselves entirely, then yes it is your job to protect the child. Part of protecting one's child is also empowering them to protect themselves as soon as they are able so they're ready