
FYI - it's generally considered rude to ask about someone's genitals and what surgeries they have had, including when that person is trans. Andreja has apparently been public about some of her medical treatments and procedures... anyone who chooses to make it public knowledge will let you know. But overall, when you

When he initiates, he gets consent. When I initiate, I get consent. When we first started dating, we were both very careful to get direct, enthusiastic verbal consent. That established trust. Now that we've known each other a long time, we understand nonverbal signals but often also ask "Is this okay?" I'm really

Haha. In my group of friends, it's almost like the dudes are having this sort of macho competition about who can be the best dad. Who posts the most photos of baby? Who takes the cutest selfies of their partner and baby? My partner is always texting photos of himself hanging out and playing with his friends' kids,

So your secretary requires a ton of extensive, specialized training to be a secretary? At a law firm? That does sound unusual!

None of us are saying that "nothing changes." What we are saying is that businesses need to get real about the basic needs of human life. For example, business as we know it in cities today couldn't even have existed before the development of high-rise elevator buildings with air conditioning and indoor plumbing, not

So what you're saying is that you don't know how to run a business and have a contingency plan in place for when employees need to take extended leave.

Yeah, it's like how companies will post ads like "Must be able to lift 50 lbs."

I once had a job at a major educational institution that involved working with chemicals. Women were not allowed to hold the higher levels of this job, because basically, higher level = more responsibility/contact with certain chemicals that were known to cause birth defects. That seemed fair enough. I didn't get the

I haven't heard that, but I've heard "She's married to a really rich guy, which has pros and cons... we don't need to offer her a high salary because she doesn't need the money. But she might get sick of it and quit at any time because she doesn't need the money or the job."

Yeah all the dudes I know who have kids are really into being active participatory fathers. The ones who had such fathers know now what a gift it was, and the ones who didn't... know better.

So what you're saying is that you work in an industry that doesn't attract top level people, only the general mediocre/incompetent people who can't get work anywhere more competitive. Right? I mean, there's nothing at all wrong with being an average person making an average decent living and not wanting to be the top

Wow. I have dropped clients because they were racist and fatphobic. My bottom line wasn't hurt. Shockingly enough, those were also always the clients who required the most nudging for payment on their always late invoices, and who were rude and a hassle to deal with. Now, I can use "I don't work with people whose

I agree that some kind of documentation would help with this article. Record it as a voice memo (I have several similar recordings of two investment bankers discussing how one guy was "dating a black girl right now and she's great, but it's soon going to be time to settle down with a nice jewish girl," another

What are you going to do when your male employee beats his wife until she dies, and he has to take a few months off during her murder trial?

SO what are you going to do when your male employee's wife dies in childbirth and he has to take a few months out to care for the kid and deal with her funeral?

Don't forget that there are plenty of employers (myself included) who are women, who fully disagree with you. We have structured our businesses with the assumption that sometimes, people will need to take leave. Perhaps one colleague gets a prestigious fellowship in a foreign country that lasts for 6 months. Perhaps

Seriously. And the long-term viability of a workforce is completely contingent upon there BEING a workforce, meaning that someone has to reproduce them. Since it is rarely viable for most families to live on a single wage earner's income, there has to be a way to accommodate women who have children. It was a failure

You are right. However, this is a standard cost of doing business. A good strategy would include archiving, institutional memory, training standards, keeping the employee on leave in the loop as much as possible via cc-ing emails and including them on phonecalls and meeting minutes, and organization to make these

No, it's the problem of business owners who don't forsee all kinds of scenarios happening. These are inherent, normal risks to running a business because... hey, you're dealing with a bunch of humans. You have to be able to handle it.