
You do realize that the whole reason you work in the first place, is so that we can have the products, services, and infrastructures that we need in order to support a HUMAN SOCIETY, right? The thing is, your "people that you have a deal with" are people. They are humans, and they come with variables and limitations,

This is a video and transcript of Robert A.M. Stern, designer of many buildings including presidential library, and dean of Yale's architecture school.…

"women come to the critical points in their career when they embark upon motherhood. And architecture is a totally time consuming

Try to use your actual cell service in the airport. Just TRY.

My partner treats me this way. He makes it very clear that I can stop at any point, and yes, he does ask. He was especially careful at first.

I doubt it... she's an accomplished and versatile model.

Hm? Those words are descriptions, not insults.

How did you not realize it? The title of the post is "Andrea Pejic comes out as trans woman."

You do realize that trans women come in all shapes and sizes... right?

It's gross because they are taking a humanitarian crisis and abusing the circumstances to create a platform about an unrelated issue. Detroit's water crisis is not about scarcity of water due to drought or over-farming to raise meat. It's about the bureaucracy of corporation/government CHOOSING to deny residents

Our nonprofit organization was able to fundraise $300 toward buying a used projector, with no extra for a screen.

Now playing

Maggie Rose's OTHER recent hit is written from the point of view of a woman who shoots and kills her cheating, abusive partner.

I am way more interested in modifying the architecture. "Make every bathroom an accessible poop and babychanging bathroom!" more self contained single toilet bathrooms for everyone!

Yeah. And since we live in a society that's heavily gender-socialized, we don't have any real way of knowing how people might feel if that weren't the case.

They're using transmisogyny as an excuse to be asshole dudes. The solution would be to crack down on harassers and abusers and attackers, not to prevent trans women from using the bathroom. Hell - if a trans woman goes into a bathroom and harasses/assaults other women then she SHOULD be penalized. It's just rare that

It would probably be a thing that fucked up guys ACTUALLY DO, if they wanted to. The thing is, there are tons of fucked up guys. Ones that beat and murder their partners. Ones that rape orphans in Kenya. Ones that embezzle millions of dollars from low income home owners. Ones that hide video cameras in women's

Naah... dudes all shit side by side in a large trough.

It should be free, because Boingo also blocks cell reception and data service on your smartpphone, which you are already paying for. Didn't you ever notice that despite having full bars and a 4g or LTE signal, you just CANNOT get online without paying at the airport?

It should be free, because Boingo also blocks cell reception and data service on your smartpphone, which you are already paying for. Didn't you ever notice that despite having full bars and a 4g or LTE signal, you just CANNOT get online without paying at the airport?

Some of us are really busy because we need to be able to TRY to afford to take care of our dependents, and that just ain't happening without working 2+ jobs. That's all there is to it. No guilt, no grubbing for recognition, just a need to make dollars so our families won't go hungry and homeless.

If that was my wedding I would have thought it was cute... ha. Ohmygoodness. Weddings are a community event, meant to share a couple's commitment to each other and their wider community. Kids should be part of that! Never would want something too stuffy for the next generation to be there.