
I know design process because I am a designer. You don't know because you aren't. All I asked was 'Was this designed or merely printscreened?' I didn't know I had no right to question such hallowed ground. I asked you to give me what you THOUGHT was the design process, and rather than show that you don't know what

I guess stock in Ubisoft ain't worth what it once was?

I always hated that damn requirement.

I didn't ask for your definition, I asked you to explain this design process. But I guess you can't.

"Damian, what's the dealie dude? Are we gonna blow up this tree line or what? Tuk-Tuk and Kim got the blue balls and I wanna let em squirt it for a go... Peter, can he hear me?

How many women think Hope Solo acted well within her womenly rights? Just a quick poll.

So this has nothing to do with Star Wars?

Explain this design process, please.

Why, because I had the nerve to question the validity of the use of the word design? Yes, I did, and I will. Because you're all fucking mentally retarded. And if you have retarded people in your family, I hope you're extra insulted.

Kindred spirits?

What, amongst the Gods? Hardly.

Ok, I'll just rip out the graphics and texts from every game and do the exact same thing, and in your eyes, I'll be a legitimate designer.

I know, it's like EVERY ARTICLE ON GAWKER.

As if being labelled a massive cock bothers me. You'll have to try harder than that. That you wrote the nonsense you did believing it made sense doesn't make me feel like I'm dealing with anybody capable of comprehending what my actual point was. You, I'm afraid to say, completely missed my point. But that's okay. You

Apparently, me and everyone I have to keep talking to about this. But I don't actually believe that to be the right answer. To me, the right answer is me, as in, who is right? Me. You too, were right earlier, when you said I wasn't wrong. So, conclusion, I'm not wrong, and I'm right. Bonus, since we agree that truths

TIL Taiwan is the only asian nation that doesn't eat its bugs.

What's right and what's wrong is always relative.

Blame his director. Someone like Patrick Stewart would say something like "there are no egos here" to the people he worked for on American Dad and Family Guy (meaning "tell me how to say it if I'm not saying it right). Stewart would want to give the best performance and meet the requirements asked of him so that the

There's also a difference between designing and not designing. I can only offer a simple explanation on how to properly distinguish one from the other; the cost to you? A bit of critical thinking on your end. But whatever, name call all you want. But pedantic? No. Sorry, not this time. This is arts and crafts. Design,

Oozes? OOZES? You think that OOZES? As a designer, I'd say you need to head back to school if you think that OOZES anything other than the fact it is a simple novelty of someone else's work being repurposed and mislabeled as a design. Hence why they're not trying to sell them. They can't. Because they know it's not