
That's rough dude. But you don't work with the public, I imagine? What you do is productive, it can be motivating, filling a days quota, challenging, and demanding of your attention. An usher gazes around them, at the sea of fat popcorn people wobbling over with becel fingers and nacho breath, who they have to

Or, "Now I can laugh with my friends with confidence. Thanks, Tena."

As long as Kiefer Sutherland isn't Nate or Sully, then okie dokie.

I only ever REALLY played the GC Metroid. And It really felt like that little cube box brought me to alien worlds unlike anything I've played since. It was the music that got me.

It's sorta the type of picture you see on a bus saying something like, "VD. Because you can't really know who has it."

This is why I don't let anything I watch offend me. If it does, I turn it off.

I have a Mac desktop (SHUT UP IMMEDIATELY), and before I managed to figure out how to allocate more ram for Skyrim, I had crammed in a LOT of graphical mods that would, naturally, crash to desktop. One time, it crashed such that I got weird geometrical shapes and colours on my monitor (which I deduced was from my

I totally agree sitting is lethal in high doses for those who do. I mean, I've ruined this couch I'm sitting on in a couple of months off school because I've sat too much. But miserable employees are always thought as being easier to rule over - - I mean, "manage".

Try being an usher at a movie theatre, ripping tickets at the podium from 2 til 10.30 and talk to me about back pain.

How comfortable that thing was. Thumbs could stretch out fully, unlike today. I think we only had the one GB, we found it, broken, and sent it off to be repaired. Alleyway, Belmont's Revenge... Man, I'm not much older.

Much like Jesus, my blood/sugar levels have risen. Praise be chocolate. In the name of the Nutty, the Sweet and the Holy Nuggat.

I played a lot of the GameCube one. For a virtual work game, it was pretty fun, but I don't remember much pay off. I'd rather have a good entry on the Vita, since it would be perfect for bus rides.


The better mountains mod is one you might like. It's pretty stable and looks incredible.

I'm pretty sure there's nicotine in Skyrim.

I'd rather buy 210 bucks worth of Kleen-Klay and sculpt my own statues.

I have fond memories of playing Duke 3d in lan at my HS library, while our nazi librarian shouted and yelled at us in french. That's where these old games belong. In my memories. Doom always bored me.

Are we ever getting a true open world Spider-Man game? Because the only cool thing about him is that he can do that. Imagine Batman having to take a cab instead of gliding from one end of the city to the opposite.

Dat FFWHIP!!! Straight into a reverse Spirit of Ecstasy. Rolls Royce hood ornament.