
Target fixation is a real thing. It took many MANY years and lots of crashes on my mountain bike before my brain became wired for it. My advice for people learning to pick up the skill more quickly? Slack line. Seriously, learning to fixate on the tree and not your feet makes a big difference.

I was doing this years ago when Nissan started buying back Pathfinders/QX over rust issues. Made REALLY good money. The settlement with VW is what kept me away this time as it’s more complex and the payout is lower thus you will need more cars.. If you have a spare 100k around to purchase TDi’s go for it. Otherwise

The production version actually had it integrated into the windshield, but the panel gap was just so huge that it looked like a traditionally mounted mirror.

lol @ Mall Terrains+1

I watched it after posting it, and he didn’t even mention the fluids in the trans, diffs, or transfer case. I also didn’t see him check for play in the suspension or steering but it seemed more like an advertisement for Motorcraft oil filters than anything else.

Thanks for clarifying guys. I have not been fortunate enough to have much experience with modified turbocharged engines :(

you know the kid form school that always bragged about *insert thing he claimed he could do/what he owned/what his ankle did* but never showed any proof..... thats what they end up doing later in life, the exact same thing but on the internet because everyone around him in real life knows hes full of BS.

Headline: Older gen E350 4matic now available with Chrysler V6 and neo-retro muscle car styling.

That’s a bit like saying ‘when Harrison Ford dies, he’s not a big loss to the space and aeronautics industry because he completely misrepresented space travel and the engineers in it.’

How many contractors and other people who have tool boxes and similar equipment that don’t have a bedliner?

I love r/writingprompts, but I never have the time to sit down and actually write a story for one.

As a fan of military sci-fi, bravo, BRAVO.

That is absolutely a compliment!

Kristen, I thought this was a Torchinsky post at first. I can understand why you wouldn’t take that as a compliment, but please do.

Does nobody want to admit that SRT-4s are fast?

Not really a 3.8 is allot of displacement. Its not very different from the 3.8 in the GTR.

Now playing

I wonder if this one will do 230mph in the half mile too.