Precious Roy

“Many people have told me that these women were groped by me. I hope it’s not true, but that is just what I’ve been hearing... Wait.”

Shortly before this Katrina Pierson said the women were only making these accusations for publicity and Don Lemon asked, “Couldn’t people say the same thing about you representing Trump?”

Looks like she was just plane wrong.

“Ding on the head...” Get back in and play.

In that case, I’ve decided that I am a turtle. You now must refer to me as such.

I think we can rule out Derrick as a suspect if you just review his shooting percentage

Man, this episode of SVU is *crazy*

Now, before we all get emotional and jump to conclusions we don’t know, can’t we all just take a breath, center ourselves, and just blame Tom Brady for it?

We have your milk boiling back in the kitchen just the way you like it, Mr. Kelly!

He will also have a side of jelly beans, raw.

My friends, the Trump campaign has decided to go full Jared Leto joker.

Listen, if there’s any positive thing to come out of this election it’s that these people are coming forward and identifying themselves. What we gotta do now is wait til the election is over, find these people, tag their ears, and notify the general public that those who are tagged are not to be trusted as teachers,

“Our culture is filled with bars and strip clubs on every corner.”

It looks like he is thinking ‘Say the inner cities are living in hell one more time motherfucker.’

Bene’ Beworkinelsewhere

Shut the fuck up. He promised a college graduate a factory job. Stop pretending that this guy isn’t a grasping political amatuer who is seeking the validation of his ego and the accumulation of power. When you make excuses for this sorry example of American leadership you diminish yourself.

He promised a college graduate a factory job. Inspiring.

I’m going to bring so many jobs back, you won’t believe it. You’re going to say, “Mr. Trump, please stop bringing all these jobs, we’ve got so many jobs, we can’t handle any more jobs.” I’m going to make Apple and all these other great companies, wonderful companies, make their products right here in America. It’s