
Yeah, I don’t get people and their push to make it seem like they caught the one error in the host of people working on a script. They even explain it in the show. He said well use starlight to blind her and take the stuff. If she could easily track moving targets and do it precisely with ease they wouldn’t try that

To be fair, why is everyone on the show’s case about subtlety. When it took people this long to notice they are satiring stuff or that not everyone guessed the ending to i see dead people. It’s okay to use the trope and not be some Avant Gard take on it. I’d at least wait to see what their cooking till we label the

Ah, if it were a anti-sat test, they would know about it. USSC or whatever has eyes.  Really good ones.

Some old, dead social media site. 

Homelander can’t see through zinc.  It’s not a stretch to understand that he wouldn’t be able to pinpoint Hughie in the ducts.  Keep up, AV Club.  Jesus, y’all have one job.  ONE JOB!

At this point the Kessler thing is so obvious, that I'm half expecting the twist to be that he's real.

Bull, not a buffalo. It was a bull. MM explicitly *said* it was a bull.

I’ve always tipped 18-22% at sit-down, full service restaurants. I refuse to tip anything at walk-up places. I don’t know what has changed in the past 10 years to where it’s become the norm for those type of places to solicit for tips- to me it’s such a cynical cash grab.

The problem with the system is it’s based on check amount, not actual work done. A waiter at a very upscale resty that serves a older couple with food and a bottle of wine will have some huge tabs, but not likely need to get refills, extra napkins, more butter, etc., and will “earn” a fat tip. Meanwhile the guy

cant wait to come back to this article later and read the comments. 

Sincere question: what constitutes “amends” in regards to Louis CK?

He admitted it. If there was a legal case against him, he would have to face those potential consequences. Nobody’s filed a lawsuit against him. And his career has been affected. He’s lost a lot of friends and colleagues. He’ll never make a

I’ve tried to have this convesation with family members who support Trump but it falls on deaf ears. These Trump followers are so brainwashed that the tiniest rumor of something confirmatory of what Trump says is treated as gospel, but anything that contradicts him must have 10 eye witnesses, video evidence and a

9/11 was more enjoyable than anything Crazy Town ever did.

He is sorry that he, a 40 year old dude, got caught almost banging a teenager.

So it’s less that “he is survived by his children” and more “his children survived him.”

I remember Crazy Town was everywhere in the summer of 2001, and then in the fall Al Qaeda was everywhere.

he’s going to start something new, young and fresh.

Goes by the moniker “Dr. Disrespect” and dresses in a fake wig and sunglasses - nobody should be surprised by the guy being a giant dickhead.

Reminder: this is the same man that thought it was okay to livestream a public bathroom

And the kicker, his own company going “We thought it was bullshit and then we talked to people and.... Anyways he doesn’t work here any more”: