
She didn’t, this person wants things corrected when they’re just wrong. It was a text not a voicemail and it was from Sage to Deep, not to BN.

It took me a while to get this but then I remembered the intro and it completely clicked.

I was especially partial to The Boy That Left Home to Find Out About the Shivers to the point I still watch it every year or two. I got a kick out of MacNicol on Ally McBeal and 24 about two decades later looking pretty much the same 

I figured the point of an obituary is to honor someone for what they’ve accomplished. I would consider a show with her name in the damn title that went on for multiple seasons as an accomplishment.

It really was insane the current talent they brought on for a kids faerie tale series, and talent that was minor/unknown at the time that ended up being stars.

Kind of odd to list multiple roles in the header, subhead and article but not mention Shelley Duvall Faerie Tale Theater that had an absolute ridiculous cast in just about every episode.

I still liked the prior weeks where the reviewer made no mention of Kessler obviously being a hallucination despite everyone in the comments section knowing it, then after the reveal writing it like they knew all along.

Deep fucking sea animals because he can understand them and they consent is certainly a take I did not see coming.


When has Rebel ever decided to go that route when she could play the victim and whine about it to the press / social media instead?

Based on the packaging this Maggi sounds like a whore.

This reads like someone made ChapGPT smoke bath salts and then do a compilation of multiple recent Hartnett roles.

Not my girlfriend, in fact she just called to say she’s coming to visit she just needs me to send her a little money to get out of some jam she got herself into. That rascal is always getting herself into trouble, but she’s nice.

On the bright side between deregulations and declining intelligence I firmly believe Darwinism will solve at least a portion of this problem. Unfortunately it means those of us without the means to move to a better country are likely about to enter a hellscape.

When they made Idiocracy they really overestimated just how long it would take this country to turn into a shithole full of morons.

So basically the reason Emma Roberts keeps getting typecast as a dumb raging bitch is because she’s a dumb raging bitch.

I’ve seen him in plenty of things and I still can’t tell if Clint Howard is good at acting or just crazy. It’s a lot like the Nic Cage dilemma.

I get a kick out of the headline for this post adding “for some reason”. The headline was fine as is, adding that is acting like she doesn’t randomly act like a bitch for no reason when this very site has had articles in the past about people that worked with her on AHS saying she acts like a complete bitch randomly

Most of the stuff I’m fine with but this one irritates me because the only way it does become a twist is if, like the person I replied to mentioned, JDM is real. If at some point we’re supposed to be shocked that he was a figment of Butcher’s imagination this whole time it’ll just be dumb.

If you post an article one day then post an article the next day saying the first one isn’t true does it count as 2 articles towards your quota?