
That was JAG, not NCIS.

Her punishment is that the picture will be burned in her brain forever.”

They caught on that they were the butt of the joke this year.

I want my order fucked up by a human, not a robot. 

Anyone who uses the term “TDS” unironically is not a serious person. An idiot, if you will. 

Ssssssooooo...Jeffrey Dean Morgan is just a hallucination to Butcher? Right? The show hasn’t outright said it, but his character is fitting all the Tyler Durden tropes. Morgan’s character is suspiciously never seen with anyone but Butcher, and every word out of his mouth feels cobbled from Butcher’s own subconscious.

Especially funny because Shaloub isn’t Jewish IRL.

Well considering it’s free, ad supported, and comes pre installed on damn near EVERY smart tv it’s no surprise people are watching it.

All cats should be indoors cats, ALL, for their safety and those of the birds and small mammals outside, they are such efficient little murderers
(and that is the correct word, they do it for sport)

Chipotle is salmonella infested garbage. 

yeah, but can they make it so that not just rich people can afford it?

So you can collect evidence of your cat shitting in other peoples gardens and eating all the birds, just so you don’t feel so lonely.

Massive Venture Bros fan here - agreed.

The Trump White House was quite literally a Pill Mill of Adderall, ED Drugs & other controlled substances, and nobody went to Jail. Trump is right there is a two-tier system of justice, its just not how he would like you to believe. 

What happens if my bitcoins get wet, are they ruined just like my wet magnet?

He is so stupid he probably thinks bitcoin mining is like digging for coal. Why else would he mention energy independence regarding a crypto-currency that is energy sucking?

I was going to make a joke about how Trump should sell flip flops considering how frequently he changes his mind on major issues (electric cars, cryptocurrency, China, TikTok, abortion, gun control, etc)... but the buffoon actually sells flip flops on his website.

Probably applies to 99.999% of his life.

I feel like he doesn’t know what Bitcoin is if he’s saying he wants it all made in America.