
There’s some pretty strong irony about the writers for this site complaining about the insane overabundance of ads, pop-up BS, etc.

Maybe it’s a ‘back in my day’ thing, but, for anyone who grew up watching actual TV on over-the-air broadcasts, ads are just a part of the TV watching experience. Always have been. And like you said, fully a third of a standard episode has been reserved for ad time, whether that’s 8-10 minutes of a 30 minute block or

Good thing all of of us who sided with the actors and writers during the strikes are happy to pay more for streaming services. Otherwise we’d be total hypocrites!

Meh. Ads are so ever-present in life now I hardly even notice or care anymore. It just gives me time to pick up my dopamine square and ignore the ads that thing shows me.

Apparently Kyle cares, I think most of us will be ok.

Oh, no! An ad is going to pop up when I pause my show? How will I ever cope? Considering I only pause when I need to stop watching for a minute, I’ll probably be fine.

Who cares?

And yet Donald The Criminal, “thanks” to that apparently corrupt judge in FL who is doing everything she can for the benefit of Donald during the proceedings, still walks (uh, waddles) free.

No, it doesn’t. Betraying your country after swearing an oath to defend it should have the highest consequences.

Dang. I was sympathetic and ready to go off on a rant of how the American capitalistic system combined with a serious lack of financial education has caused desperation... until you got to the part about his motivations stemming from his Russian heritage. 

Trump will get another term as president for giving away top secret info to anyone he wanted to impress at parties.

... the fuck is this?

As always, these... what? These WHAT?!?

What are some of the variety of reasons?

“Had we had proper legal representation.”

They can ask, sure.

They were already paid. 

for what, exactly? how much should an original cast get for remakes?

Seller’s remorse can be a bitch.