
This reminds me of during COVID when there were tons of reddit/TikTok posts of how to fake enough documents to get PPP loans and which lenders either didn’t care or just went along with it since they got a portion of the loan money themselves. It’s amazing how easy it is to find tutorials for committing various crimes

The mistake here is expecting them to write up anything that isn’t easily copy/pasted from tutorials or other tip/hint sites.

Wouldn’t this article make more sense if you listed movies actually included with the Prime membership? With all the movies on the list that are rent/buy on Prime it seems like a better title for the article is just sci-fi movies worth repeat viewings.

This allowed them to post an article for clicks that barely has the information the game gives you itself while playing, ignoring the fact that the only reason to do the island is to get the lump sum for getting to 5 stars and after that the amount of time it takes to get 10,000ish is wayyyy slower than just running

Careful, comments like that are what got me greyed and why my comments get deleted almost immediately after posting on here now.

I was really looking forward to that and wasn’t really disappointed, more just an incredible feeling of meh. The Goggins at the end was great though.

I just started a rewatch of Justified and he is so damn good.

That just wrinkled my brain. Of course I get it wrong the first time.

Careful, criticizing Claire’s clickbait headlines, cut and paste press release articles, slideshows, and use of kotaku comments as a basis for her “articles” is what got me greyed and now they auto delete like 99% of my comments within 10 minutes of posting.

Who told Milla Jovovich that short hair would be a good look?

Fun random Merchant fact that I noticed the other day. He had a very minor role as a CTU tech in one episode of the show 24. I had to google it to see if I was losing my mind or it really was him, apparently he was a huge fan of a show and they basically gave him a small role in an episode as a favor.

Agreed, Jack Black’s voice is not suited for Claptrap whatsoever. It’s either going to sound horribly out of place whenever you hear it, or it’s going to take so much editing that casting Jack Black in the role was just an absolute waste of money.

Diablo IV isn’t very good and it’s on here too. Putting CP on here for an expansion is generous, and calling XVI an RPG is a bit of a stretch.

If you’re throwing up on a regular basis your esophagus could end up in a position where it hurts to eat which would definitely lead to a decline in appetite.

People taking them will often experience gastrointestinal issues like vomiting and diarrhea.

The Melancholia ending probably is a best case scenario.

I really am amazed they haven’t specifically set rules for no auto driving in construction areas the same way the speed limits are lowered. I don’t trust the auto drive functions but I really don’t trust them to miss a construction worker moving into the lane.

For her husband’s sake I hope that city doesn’t enforce sex offender rules, could make it difficult to find a place to stay.