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They also ignore her great work on Between Two Ferns

It seems like they’re transitioning to the no comment style of Deadspin/The Root. The articles that are sponsored by or presented by advertisers usually have comments disabled, and they’re going on delete sprees for comments they don’t like.

Bold prediction to say Kotaku will still exist in a year.

I’m guessing the AI that wrote this went all wonky and did the math as $1 a day for the first 14 days then $16.99 for the rest of the month.

I’m guessing the AI that wrote this went all wonky and did the math as $1 a day for the first 14 days then $16.99

On the bright side they can just save this article and replace the names for the new post when that inevitably happens 

You might think this would be enough to force the studio’s hand. After all, why punish your biggest whales right from the get-go?

It’s more a little column A a little column B. They’re deleting comments that they don’t like left and right and graying accounts that question post topics/articles AND kinja is imploding.

I’ll take the 5-4-3 trifecta.

That was my first thought. He got a mortgage for a 250-500k house with no assets and a couple grand in the bank? Only way that goes through is if someone gifted a giant ass check for closing and if that’s the case I’d love to know who supplied that check.

The mortgage range was rather expansive, from what I saw it’s just listed as a 250-500k mortgage. It seems odd he would get approved for a 500k mortgage with 5k in the bank and no assets of any kind when regular people have to jump through hoops for much smaller mortgages and plenty of assets.

Him and his wife have been involved for decades with conversion therapy groups and anti-gay religious organizations. Where better to hide your money than a place with massive cash flow that doesn’t have to worry about silly things like taxes.

The bible doesn’t say anything about having to disclosure financials so he didn’t feel it was necessary. He follows God’s law not man’s law.

I know on Kotaku they’re going delete crazy currently. Someone got deleted for a comment about the Amouranth vagina beer article and I got sent back to the grays for the same.

Obviously Dale died when he sealed himself in his bomb shelter and the lock broke.

Kind of a weird article for a GMG site when your own sites are deleting comments and sending people back to the greys for commenting on quality/topics of articles.

Also the fact that until The Day Before goes live I won’t believe that game is actually going live.

Careful, it’s talk like that that’s getting people greyed and their comments deleted nowadays, and why they’re posting half the articles with no comment sections. They can’t accept harsh truths about their content.

Earthbound was ahead of its time by having dated graphics and being a good satirical RPG? How does that make it ahead of its time?

It's funny that if you sort by most popular, this and other posts with 10+ stars calling out the article as being dumb or needing to be removed are under the 0 star greys. They moved by account back to the greys and keep deleting my comment for calling it out

Careful, they’re deleting comments of anyone that calls out this article. They even put me back in the grays for it.