
Let me guess, she tried to murder him in the Bahamas and he paid her bail?

This blogger is awfully terrible, so it sounds about right from her.

It really is crazy that if Cohen hadn’t rushed in when he did there would likely be actual video of Rudy whipping out his dick for a girl he thought was underage.

I now really want someone to put that out to a beat.

The smiling mugshot is a pretty big fuck you to everyone saying she’s taking what she did seriously.

If you’re looking for accurate reporting you’re in the wrong place.

I’m somehow not surprised an article on here blaming racist banks makes no mention of underwriting. It’s definitely possible that the bank would be willing to work with the applicant regardless of color based on their initial information but underwriting shot it down or made a bunch of requirements the applicants

This is like the new Chicago lawsuit claiming landlords that automatically deny applicants with prior evictions/foreclosures are being racist because the majority of people with those issues are Black. The issue isn't race it's shitty applicants with bad credit.

That is the one they do insane amounts of coke at the Chinese restaurant.

Now playing

He was good in Blow, I loved his bit in Nice Dreams.

Really makes you wonder how bad the discovery would have been that he would just admit to everything to avoid it.

I had the same reaction but missed your reply. A cult isn’t actually a cult if the people involved give their money to the person in charge. Guess that clears things up in regards to Scientology and pretty much every other cult out there.

When everyone is spending their money on them and you think it’s a cult… maybe you’re in the cult

That’s not fair. She’s way more the it’s okay to be a rapist lady than the swollen testicle cousin antivax lady.

But they’re completely different things!

Celebrating a Trump-backing criminal because of his stance on one issue. Solid play.

Why was this site so quick and loud to be wrong about Carlee?

Even Kalyn’s post-reveal posts read like she’s pretending Carlee is still an innocent victim in all of this and did nothing wrong.

Buying, no. Smoking with prior to having sex with, yes.